My [K]ortana

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Spartan-419 said:
Okay... here's the picture of my girlfriend. I got the color the way I wanted it, but I need the background gone.

Now here's what I had in mind, only I'll be dressed in my MJOLNIR armor. Yes, I'm wearing my Witch King mask, to protect my identity.

are you holding her hostage?
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It looks good so far...if you have photoshop just use the magic extractor...but i can never figure out how it works...
I don't have any software to do the above suggestions. My iMac sucks big-time when it comes to... well... anything! >_< (much resentment for Mac)
here ill do my best to photoshop the background out.. gimme like 10 min


there ya go man. lookin at it now.. its a lil rough around the edges.. but if you have paint.. and eraser can minimize that

hope it works for ya
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