My Mark Vi W.i.p

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New Member
I've been working on this for about two weeks... i love having a job, it leaves alot of time for this stuff haha. leave me some feedback on what you think, im sorry if the photos are a lil skewed or just bad in general... i dont own a digital camera... just my cell phone, but it should do for now.
I finished my Cut this morning. The screws are temporary, im not quite sure how i want to go about fixing the hingie in there flush, but i have an idea that hold some validity.

its lookin great there nv1dia, as long as its not raining again later when i wake up, you definitly need to come over so we can get some more work done.
to answer your question on the hinge... it prolly would have been easier to not have cut that, and leave it solid, as it fit well enough that way, but in all actuality i couldn't see any other reason for that line that runs along the side of the helmet in the game. It's just how ive always pictured it.
Its been a long time since ive posted on this W.I.P as ive been VERY busy. but i finally got around to finishing up my helmet, armor is on the way, but it will still take some time, but heres where im at as of now. = ) sorry for the wait if anyone had been following the few pictures id posted.

Hot dang not bad, I should of thought of the hinge portion myself... or forgo the hinge and just use magnets to attach the two pieces together... I had to cut out so much of the bottom lip of my helm its not even funny...
I'd like to see a pic of you wearing it!

The only thing is the color: I don't like grey as much, but all you did was great!

great pep, glass and bondo, also good painting, I just don't like grey^^

nice, anyway
nice work brotha! I really like how you did the hinge on the back, i've also been thinking of hinging mine. I'm gonna have to try that.
Chip, its not grey, that first picture is primer you see, its actually oregano. To everyone else, No i had to put it back together permanently, the hinge was an AWESOME idea, but unfortunately i lack the engineering resources to accomplish such a radical change in design. It's how i wanted to do it, but it just happened to be way to complicated, it wouldnt stay shut while wearing, i tried magents, those cupboard clip things, as well i wanted to try a few other ideas, but if i had spent all my time on a single hinge that didnt have to be there in the firrst place, then i would have definitely never finished.
Nice! cant wait to see it with the electronics! Maybe you should bring it over this weekend and show it off while i work on my armor lol
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