Need help with noob project

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New Member
Hi Guys,

I got the Program for the Pod files, And started a Armor Mark VI by Rodogenisis for my 10 year old son. I decided to start with the forearm pice to find the right scale for him. But I 'm am having a little problem scaling it. The Scale for the Mark VI is set to 86.00. Which is really big. He is 4' 9" and avg body. From the best that I can tell the scale is for some one around 6' to 6' 2". But I could be wrong.

So by doing the math I made the scale 48. but that looks to be about 1" to short for the foreamr pice. And fits real tight around the wrist. So I was wanting to know if any one has built this Armor and how they scaled it. Any ways, hope you guys can help me figure out my scaling problem Thanks
my bad, iseen a post that said the PDO file is for a 72" scale. So I just took his hight 56" and devided it by 72 = .7777. Then took the 86 scale and did thid 86*.7777 = 66.88. Do I think I'm good to go on the scale.
I have found that "Robogenesis" has done most of the scaling work for you with their files. I believe the original files will be scaled "86", which is the Master Chief's height in inches (yes, he's 7 feet tall) plus the recommended "inch or two" to allow for padding room. To change the "Robogenesis" file, you need only change the scale to the height of the intended wearer in inches.

So, if your son is 4' 9", then the required scale should be in the area of 57.

When you open up a piece in Pepakura, in the lower right hand corner will be the size of the object. See if that makes sense to your son's dimensions for that piece. Likely every piece will be scaled a bit differently as people are not built symetrical. On my personal suit I used scales between 71 and 74 for example.

In the end, you'll need to build a test piece and see if it fits.

Good luck and have fun!
ok, thanks for the info, some one had posted that the PDO file was for a 6' person, around 200 lbs. Thanks for clearing that up. But on a happy note, now that I have built 3 foreamr pices. I geting better at this LOL
Forearms are a good practice piece, they aren't too complicated and they reveal quickly whether you are close on scale.

Once you have one that fits your son, remember the number! Other pieces will be scaled close to that one :)
Well I got the Chest Pice done in paper. Now I have to wait till his home from school to see if it's the right size LOL. I'll post pictures of it later

Looks good, Im sure your son will be very excited!

The easiest way Ive done scaling, is to simply measure the height of whatever part you are making and then convert that measurement into MM which is used in the pepakura scale. Then enter the number of MM for the height box and the width automatically fills in. This always gave me the best fit right from the start.
we build stuff together all the time. The other kids on the block are all ways come down to see what we are building next. One of the kids (his 16) said he was going to go slap his dad for not building him a Halo Armor. I think he was kidding, but not really sure LOL
Before you trash your helmet (depending on how far you have advanced with it) you may want to determine if the problem is with the scale of the entire model, or just the hole.

When I completed peping my helmet, I couldn't get my head in it. However, once I trimmed the hole, I was able to get it on and there was plenty of room inside. In fact, I put the padding from a motorcycle helmet in there to support my melong :)
Have not even printed the helmet yet. The hole i was talking about is the chest plate hole for his head. I just cut it bigger and that works but it's just big enough. I figured if it did not fit then I'm make a new bigger one. but we could get it on and off. As far as the fit of the chest armor, it looks about right. You have to rember that his 10 years old and 4'8" Tall. So this will be a task indeed.
Ooops, my bad, and you even have pics of the chest up (nice work by they way). :)

For what it's worth, the more traditional method of putting on a chest piece is to cut it along the shoulder line and the at pieces that go under the arms. Then you put it on front to back like a clamshell, not over the head. Then the neck hole need only be as big as the neck, not the head (advantageous for someone like me with a giant melon).

Glad it's working out!
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