Need Players For Vidmaster Challenges

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Just add my GT its videfolket and when I get my xbox back I will be down to help you out whenever if you still need too.
Anyone down for some playing tonight? I need the firefight vidmaster and the end of the game one.

My GT is BigNosedJew69
Im going to join I need that f***ing Achievement

I also need DEJA VU, so If any wants to join here is my GT

GT: Alex spartan177, just send me a PM on Xbox Live so I can add you
i have 3 more to get in odst me and a few of my friends are going to try this week end and we may need a number 4 man gt KillerDARK FANG
Dark Fang said:
i have 3 more to get in odst me and a few of my friends are going to try this week end and we may need a number 4 man gt KillerDARK FANG

I added you, Dude
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