Noble six build - no bondo. Doing one piece per day

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they constantly change the color of noble 6's visor since its now customizable. its usually seen between blue and silver though
Awesome build! you're really whippin those pieces out! i like it!

Question: how did you go about doing your weathering? cause it looks really good and i'd like to try it! :)

sorry there haven't been any updates, Ive been busy with pepakura jobs, and the sizing on the thigh has been setting me back... I cant seem to get it right. anyone have any tips? my thigh always turns out way too thick!. Im 5'7". What I have done, though, is order my visor. I got silver, because I like deviating from the classic gold and I thought it would look better. It should get here tomorrow and I will post pictures of the finished helmet.

To do my weathering, I bought krylon flat black spray paint at home depot. After I finished coating my helmet in gray, I spray black paint on a paper towel (just a little!) then wait a few seconds for it to partially dry, then lightly streak the paper towel against the helmet. Ill probably make a video since you're the second person to ask.
I'm 5'9", really thin, and the thighs on every model ever made don't fit me. What I usually end up doing is seeing if I can either edit the model, or make strategic cuts in the sides/back, so that I can pull it to be a tighter fit around my leg. On the Reach thighs, there's that thinner part on the inner bottom that can be cut without messing up the rest of the piece too much. And if you're really into modding it, you could cut strips out of the piece and just try to paper scratch build it into being smaller. It just takes a lot of messing around, mostly. However, that could be more difficult with your method of not doing any surface finishing, but I hope that helps.
Oh my gosh. Sorry. I'm having problems with the shin, not the thigh. When I was typing that I was thinking shin but I typed thigh. Got any sizing tips on the shin?
I had the same problem with shins.
this is what my old shin looked like, it was way too wide.


red it where you cut, blue is where you overlap the green piece onto.
it worked for me and fit!

New altered shins, they don't even look that different :p (yay)

long time no see people! i ordered a craft robo on saturday and its supposed to get here this tuesday. because of this i got lazy and figured that because Ill have a craft robo, any work I do now will be sub-par. so in terms of pepping, nothing got finished. however, i did get my visor in the mail and got some padding at walmart! as of yesterday, my helmet is completely finished.
enjoy the pics.




Reminder: no bondo
Looking good. I ordered a craft robo recently as well. It'll be interesting setting it up. If you could keep tabs on your experiences with it, I'd much appreciate it.

You'll appreciate that on my Jun suit my shins (the same pep file you're using) were completely bondo free by virtue of me being in a rush, and they looked fine. Just a tiny bit more fragile, but I only lightly rondoed them.
WOW, awesome job on the armor. Looks like your off to a really good start on getting it done for dragoncon. Good luck and keep up the good work.
lol thanks. i have to get this finished before dragoncon though, and im not even halfway. Ive got tons of work to do.

Another Dragoncon goer! Cool! I'm going to be there too, I know what you mean by not being halfway done and tons of work ahead. I'm in the same situation! :D The build is looking great, not sure about the no bondo but if you pep great then you dont really need it anyways. Hope to see you sometime in September.
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