ODST Armor [ 3D Printed ]


I have finally gotten my printer fixed thanks to the miracle hands of Baron and the additional help and power of acquiring a table that isn't wobbly. I'll keep this thread updated with the armor and printers progress. Attached to this starter post below is the printers successful 3rd test print!
Looking good so far, I know the woes of fighting printers all too well. Are you printing the back and collar in smaller pieces as well? Adds to the finishing work, but if you're facing down failures on longer prints, might just save time in the long run.
Looking good so far, I know the woes of fighting printers all too well. Are you printing the back and collar in smaller pieces as well? Adds to the finishing work, but if you're facing down failures on longer prints, might just save time in the long run.
I am currently attempting to print the rest of the torso in halves and hoping that nothing else fails, just waiting on my new spools to be delivered.
I have finally gotten my printer fixed thanks to the miracle hands of Baron and the additional help and power of acquiring a table that isn't wobbly. I'll keep this thread updated with the armor and printers progress. Attached to this starter post below is the printers successful 3rd test print!View attachment 343668
What kind of printers do you have, I recognize the emblem as elegoo and might have some questions about problems I've been having with mine
What kind of printers do you have, I recognize the emblem as elegoo and might have some questions about problems I've been having with mine
I have an Elegoo Neptune 4 Max, also had a ton of issues in the beginning but everything’s in working order now.
I have an Elegoo Neptune 4 Max, also had a ton of issues in the beginning but everything’s in working order now.
Can you send me some tips or your settings in both slicer and 3d printer, because mine has been making big balls of spaghetti ever since I got it. And has only done a few good prints. It's been really stressing me out.
Can you send me some tips or your settings in both slicer and 3d printer, because mine has been making big balls of spaghetti ever since I got it. And has only done a few good prints. It's been really stressing me out.
Sure! I'll DM you my discord so we can chat there.
Hey verdant, I'm also looking to get a Neptune ( probably 3 plus),

I'd like your HONEST opinions... I'm a total noob with ZERO experience in 3D printing...do you think it's a good choice? ( Sorry to barge in with my question).
Hey verdant, I'm also looking to get a Neptune ( probably 3 plus),

I'd like your HONEST opinions... I'm a total noob with ZERO experience in 3D printing...do you think it's a good choice? ( Sorry to barge in with my question).
I hear a good chunk of good things about the Neptune 3 Plus but Neptunes in general are very reliable in my opinion. It's a pretty decent size for armor but you will have to do the armor/props in pieces for bigger items.
I hear a good chunk of good things about the Neptune 3 Plus but Neptunes in general are very reliable in my opinion. It's a pretty decent size for armor but you will have to do the armor/props in pieces for bigger items.
That's what the Frankly build said too! Thanks for the quick answer :p
It’s finally attached! Just a very ugly amount of Bondo that I need to sand through now and I’ll be set to prep and paint it. The only part about any of this that I’m worried about is getting a tinted visor done.


after further consideration from yesterday, and compelling evidence, i'm going to recommend not using plastidip if you plan to sand after applying it, just fyi. great for foam, but....eh...
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