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link4044 said:
so we need to make a sticky thread where we have a list of colthing and armor
like where and who has them and what you'll need to build the out fit
same for the marines

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its about time you guys did this, I'll try to check in more if I get the chance, been extremely busy in real life not to mention clan keeps me kinda busy too
I have a question regarding the vest of the ODST...
I had a plan...
I was going to buy a black tactical vest, and buy lots of tactical pouches. 3 on top, 4 on bottom.
Any more ideas?
In terms of tactical vest or even issue gear I don't know of anything that will match that design. You're far better off with making a custom cover for hockey pad armor then with trying to imitate the look with tactical gear.
This one looks pretty close: http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-LOUISVILLE-TPS-JSP...1QQcmdZViewItem

Its relatively simple in design soo just get some black cordura nylon and make yourself a cover with 4 pouches :D
Woah there cowboy.
Calm down a bit. Clay isn't my field, ask Adam. But let's see the camo you got. Also, take your time so it all works out good.
I am in need of a BASE for my ODST helmet because I am simply NOT able to form one. I also just made ODST Shin Guards out of foam. Accuracy isn't very high so far as the foam is blue (lol) and it needs to be painted. I can't make it into workable shin guards...oh well...

Hey everybody I need everybody to pitch in for every supplier out there. My birthday is coming up and I need help making and ODSt armor and a few standard helljumper weapons and I also promised my friend that I would make and armor for him so can anyone help me? Send me som supplies to start on it thanks and my birthday is this thursday so please help me?

Here, I got you something fo your birthday.

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