You know something, I was at that wedding. They are close personal friends of mine. I know who the guys are in the Spartan suits.
Wanna know something else? Jeremy Bullock, that actor who played Boba Fett was there, in Fett armor to help with the ceremony.
Before you 18 and under make such ridiculous attacks and prejudge things you know nothing of, think about things.
I have to admit, I knew there was some immaturity here do the age factor, but sometimes you guys amaze me. Thats not a compliment by the way.
These two lived out there dreams, where covered all over the nation in the media, had about 200 of their closest friends and family there to share the day. The Spartans were the ushers.
Yes they got married in costume, its a mutual love for them both. The groom in the Boba armor is a professional prop builder for Hollywood studios and such.
I can only hope some of you would find someone who love you for who you are. No, not every will get married in costume or the like, but I hope your wedding is special for you none-the-less.