Pepakura Mannequin (Pic Heavy And Unfolded)

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Haha oh yeah. How did you attach the abs, chest and etc? Cause I used a hole puncher and zip ties :p
I had another look at the confrontational pose dummy and this file is not pepable ..the arms merge with the body near the arm pits I was going to unfold this but I zoomed in until I could see inside the torso and there you will see the arm protruding into the chest cavity. Yes I could just unfold it anyways but when you try to build it your gonna come a croppa.

Still waiting on Vamp to finish my Body double :( not trying to be funny but he said 12 oclock yesterday ....then today noon today been sat here at the pc waiting and wating its now 1am and no word.

Thinking on maybe just giving up on the whole idea as it looks like its not gonna happen for me.
Well Carnage, I think he has a lot on his plate.

Though I don't think he forgot about you though.

Just give it time and don't worry ;)
I didn't forget but I have a lot of irons in the fire, I just got a new contract to do some electrical work for a studio in Atlanta and had to do some major contract work today I will be moving to Georgia in less then a month and then yee haw I can have high speed internet again can you say yay!!!!!!!!
Well it's been four days so if anyone thinks this is a double post sorry, As promised I said I would build the pep man and here are the pics 27 hours of cutting folding and gluing and here it is with the ever present damaged eod helm.
Oh wow I wouldn't call it a dbl post if you put something up like that ;)

I noticed you did an EOD helm for the head. You should try mine, it's smoother :pSmooth EOD

Though what did you do to the chest to make it black?

But it's nice to see my unfold of the mannequin be fully built :')
black spray paint my friend will do the rest of it tomorrow then put the body suit on it for everyone to see how it looks.

It would actually be straightforward and fast when it comes to glassing the whole thing.

I'm still debating whether I'd buy real one or just make one
what I am going to do is harden the outside with polyurethane and fill it with great stuff wonder foam and make it solid then I will cut the pices and add swivels at each joint so it will be almost completely pose abled
Vampyredh said:
what I am going to do is harden the outside with polyurethane and fill it with great stuff wonder foam and make it solid then I will cut the pices and add swivels at each joint so it will be almost completely pose abled

Just make sure not to over great stuff it.
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I'm thinking of making one my own.

i would put expandingfoam in it and then stick a piece of wood in it, that way I can take it apart to put pieces on
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