Pepakura Requests

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Request for Star Wars pepakura

I really need the files for a Star Wars Delta Squad Sev suit. If anyone can make this for me, I'm willing to pay.
Yeah, that's what I figured too. I mean I knew the helmet would be rather easy to pep but for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to make a muscled cuirass. And I've never tried using foam or a cast (nor do I even know how to do so, but I'm always open to learning if someone could direct me to a website or a link on how to learn casting a mold or using foam) so I figured I'd give it a shot and try to see if there was a pep file for it since I've used pep before. But yeah, I'm probably just gonna save me the trouble and just buy me a muscle cuirass. Even though I still wanna learn how to cast a mold and use foam, I want this costume to be perfect. But the helmet itself I feel I can make. And on that note, thanks for the pep. I appreciate it :)

I am sure we could easily throw together a muscle chest pepakura, I just feel it would look horrible when it's glued together and take forever to sand round. I also worry that because of it being large and relatively flat, it would be very prone to warping while resining. If you want to though, find me a 3d model of a nude male torso and I can chop it up for pepakura.

However.. I was poking the internet and found this guy's build log on the RPF:

That would be a bit easier method. You could make a duct tape dummy of your torso (there are tutorials for it on this site, and the internet) and then lay down WAXPAPER on top of that (to prevent sticking) and then layer down sheets of cardstock to create the basic shape of the armor, fiberglass them together, and then use bondo or if you have money a better molding compound (the bondo will crack if the cuirass bends) and model the muscles by hand on top of the cardstock plate you made.

I really need the files for a Star Wars Delta Squad Sev suit. If anyone can make this for me, I'm willing to pay.

They are out there. For most of the set you should search google for "Republic commando pepakura". Be wary as one of the sets was created by a 405th member who was banned and removed all of his own files for the RC from the internet. Fierfek has a lot of the suit on his RPF page (search google: fierfek pepakura), but not the helmet.

Sev's suit is the normal one with a custom mount on the backpack, so really only the shoulder mount for the backpack that could be hard to track down.
If anyone can please lend me a hand fixing up gauntlets. I'm trying to build the skyrim ebony armor but the male gauntlets scale is slightly off. I can get them sized right in pep designer cause if I change one scale it effects all three, i have contacted zomibiegrim with a pm who created these awsome files, so a shout out to him for the wicked work. Back to the point though I need someone to stretch the gauntlets. I need each one 550mm long and 155mm wide max 160mm wide. If anyone can do that for me id be forever thankful
Item Name

Ebony Gauntlets Male

Item Source

Skyrim, Bethesda Studios

Reference Images


Additional Info

The model for the gauntlets has already been made from zombiegrimm (among tons of great files they have done) I just need someone to change the size. When I try in pep designer 3, if I change the scale it changes all three h w d, I need each gauntlet 550mm long by 155mm wide, my arm is 480 mm long and my fist is 110 mm, If I try to get the length I need the gauntlet becomes 557mm long, 250mm wide thats like the hulks fist. Please someone with some 3d modeling skill help a poor fellow out iv'e tried downloading blender but the did me no good I was lost once I opened it.

Existing File Link

Made by Zombiegrimm
Male Ebony Gauntlet Link:

Just like to Thank Zombiegrimm again for the great work for all the skyrim fans
im looking for a 3d modeler with experience from beginer to expert to help me model some non halo related things pm me plz
Hi. I am trying to convert a nerf centurion into a Halo Reach sniper rifle but I don't have any files for it. I would need mainly a few simple pep files to fit over the gun and make it look awesome. I would be very grateful if someone helped.
Hi. I am trying to convert a nerf centurion into a Halo Reach sniper rifle but I don't have any files for it. I would need mainly a few simple pep files to fit over the gun and make it look awesome. I would be very grateful if someone helped.
I found this on the 405th pep database, it should be okay:

Also, it's always a good idea to check the database before asking. A lot of people have requests that are on the database already.
I also put this request on zombiegrimm's thread of skyrim pdo's, but I thought I'd see if anyone else could help me out with getting the metal components of the female savior's hide from skyrim into a pdo file. I'd really appreciate it.
I also put this request on zombiegrimm's thread of skyrim pdo's, but I thought I'd see if anyone else could help me out with getting the metal components of the female savior's hide from skyrim into a pdo file. I'd really appreciate it.

That would be one of the most complicated peps EVER. I think you would want to revise your request and ask for the base, and then do detailing with foamies or something, unless you're planning on dealing with a LOT of warp spots. Just my two cents.
Yea, the Savior's Hide is basically a steel bikini/corset with a wolf-like face on the front and a bunch of rings. All the fluff, fur and chain mail (shoulders and at the lower front), as well as the spikes around the collar would have to be done separately, for obvious reasons. If nothing else, it would be too much of a pain to try to pep all those little spikes.
Yeah, I was just referring to the steel bikini/corset part. I'd have to have actual chainmail, fur, claws/teeth for the rest. I was wondering if only the corset area could be pep'd? Or would that still be too tough? There's a lot of detail there that I don't know if I can do justice to without having a detailed pattern to build on.
I have scoured the Internet but it appears there are very few files for the gears of war onyx guard. If anybody knows where to get or could make the bicep, shin/knee and the forearm piece it would be greatly appreciated.

I found this on the 405th pep database, it should be okay:

Also, it's always a good idea to check the database before asking. A lot of people have requests that are on the database already.
Thanks! I'll check the file out in my free time.

I already look through it and didn't find any for Nerf guns.
Question: what's the difference between this thread and the pepakura requests thread?

anyway, moving on

Onyx guard shin/knee piece, bicep, gauntlets, and hand plates
The rest of the pieces are already in existence, but for some reason these pieces aren't

Gears of War game franchise (specifically these images are from the gears of war 3 game)





existing files:

I'm looking for a Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier helmet pepakura. I've literally looked everywhere without any luck :| I don't know if it's been made but if yes, please post a download link. If not, could somebody make one?
Looking for a very old file, and wondering if anyone has a copy of it.

It's a Spiker from H3, and the original thread is this one:

But that thread dates '08, and all the links are dead.
File name is something like "High_detail_spiker_unfolded_V_2.pdo"

If anyone has a copy of it, it would be much appreciated.

I'm fairly certain I have that in my pep file collection. I'll take a look for it when I get home from work.

Edit: I guess I don't. I pratically tore my computer apart yesterday looking for the file. The only spiker I could find is the low def one that is in the database. Sorry.
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