Please I need advice on this.

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New Member
In the pics you will see how small this is. I need advice on the best method to make my vally and mountian folds this small. Please help.


Thank you all for being such a helpful bunch!
What I did was score each line very lightly and fold it using a metal ruler. Put the ruler on the line, fold it over the ruler and crease it with your fingernail. Hope that makes sense/helps :D
I know it is hard to see on my pic, but there are 2 mountain and 2 valley folds all the way across. As you can see by the pics.....My fingers are huge as compared. I have tried 3 times with a ruler and end up mangling the piece. =(
i score the lines with a metal ruler and a flathead screwdriver(woorks for me) then i use a pair of tweezers to make ubersmall folds... or needlenose pliers...
OMG yes.....I forgot about tweezers......Mama is gone so I can steal them from the womans drawer. HEHE. Ty all so far!
I hope they work for me, I went into the woman's drawer and it looks as though she may have taken them with her......Awwwww poop! Off to storage to find my needle nose.
Have you tried an Exao knife to get the lines to fold smoothly? When i need to fold small detailed lines i'll cut semi-deep along the lines and it folds well for me.
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