Props Promo Tee-shirt Delivery Unit

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Well-Known Member
A little belated birthday gift for SpartanII, my first video for the development of an air cannon to be mounted in a rocket launcher prop, to allow it to throw a t-shirt and look awesome.

Sorry for the low quality, I haven't made or posted videos before, and my noobishness shows a bit.

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Oh, you pronounce it Luss. Learn something new everyday. In a related note.... FREAKING AWESOME!

My god, this community is taking off like I never imagined.
Sweet. Since the air only last one shot, could you use a old Paint ball gull type system?

Looks like a big lightsaber!
Adam said:
Oh, you pronounce it Luss. Learn something new everyday. In a related note.... FREAKING AWESOME!

My god, this community is taking off like I never imagined.

Oooohhhh, I know whatcha mean, all this buzz on the forum lately.. Weapons, Classfieds, molding, Ithica.. Lol
Funny I put "Ithica" on there. Well, he's livened things up.
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LOL! Loess that is frakking AWESOME! :lol:

I told Linda (my partner) about your plan and she nearly wet herself laughing. She then went on to remind me about the episode of the Simpsons that has the t-shirt launcher in it and that only made me laugh harder. Duff Man would be proud of you Loess. ;)

She also suggested that maybe the 405th could start off with smaller promo-projectiles, like underwear?:lol:
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juliet76 said:
LOL! Loess that is frakking AWESOME! :lol:

I told Linda (my partner) about your plan and she nearly wet herself laughing. She then went on to remind me about the episode of the Simpsons that has the t-shirt launcher in it and that only made me laugh harder. Duff Man would be proud of you Loess. ;)

She also suggested that maybe the 405th could start off with smaller promo-projectiles, like underwear?:lol:

as long as their new unworn underwear
i wanna t-shirt cannon

nice work loess
keep it up
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Loess said:
A little belated birthday gift for SpartanII, my first video for the development of an air cannon to be mounted in a rocket launcher prop, to allow it to throw a t-shirt and look awesome.

Sorry for the low quality, I haven't made or posted videos before, and my noobishness shows a bit.

SWEET! Thanks much for that, buddy! For being one of the more "low-powered" launchers you've built, it's still got some good distance on it. Perfect for launching 405th promotional items into a crowd :D

Adam said:
Oh, you pronounce it Luss. Learn something new everyday. In a related note.... FREAKING AWESOME!

My god, this community is taking off like I never imagined.

It is incredible how the efforts of this fine community have really shown through in a relatively short period of time. Truly awe-inspiring :cool:

juliet76 said:
LOL! Loess that is frakking AWESOME! :lol:


She also suggested that maybe the 405th could start off with smaller promo-projectiles, like underwear?:lol:

You can say that again! I can just imagine how kewl it would be to see one of these put into a SPNKr based on my schematics :lol:

405th underwear, huh? I think you're onto something there, buddy :lol:

So, does this mean I've got my WiP thread back now? :p J/k
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405th underwear, huh? I think you're onto something there, buddy :lol:

So, does this mean I've got my WiP thread back now? :p J/k

"The Master Chief says- A soldier's "boys" need a base camp!":lol: :p

Yeah you got your thread back. Until Loess makes a smaller system to go in your SPNKr that is. ;)
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I love it! If you can get it to fit into a 3" pvc pipe. That would only have to be the back half because the front would just be the launch tube and the valve would be hidden.

Keep up the great work!
juliet76 said:
"The Master Chief says- A soldier's "boys" need a base camp!":lol: :p

Yeah you got your thread back. Until Loess makes a smaller system to go in your SPNKr that is. ;)

BOLD # 1: LMAO! Classic, buddy :lol:

BOLD # 2: If he does, I certainly wouldn't complain! That'd be way kewl :D

Like Lee said, keep up the great work, Loess! (y)
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Loess, do you think it possible to make the canisters shorter by increasing the OD and having the shirts pre packed in a short piece of PVC in front of it? Then we could walk around with precharged PT Canisters that just get loaded in the launcher. The ammo would be heavy, but one or two per Spartan in a parade ain't too bad is it?

Of course there'd be the issue of making sure the barrel and shirt tube lined up when loading as well as the trigger being able to set of the removable canisters. Something to aim for perhaps?
prolly easier to have a compressor on the back of a truck, and a marine filling them and loading them to pass out.
And if anything goes wrong, you're no longer holding a canon.... You're holding a pipe bomb!!!! :lol:

I think I just wet myself!:lol: :lol: I laughed for a good ten minutes, just because of the way you said that LOL.

That is really a great concept. I've done my fair share of air canon building, and that one looks really good! I don't think it'll be any problem getting it smaller. I once built a canon that fit in my pocket, using 1/2" and 3/4" pipe and fittings. (Not entirely safe of course, considering the small pressure chamber) It was totally functional, so I think you'll pull this off fantastically! Good luck with it dude! ;)
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This rocks. I'd absolutely love to see SPARTANs walking around with SPNKrs and Missile Pods, elites and grunts with FRCs, all lobbing shirts in to the crowd. It'd be the best promo material deployment method ever.

Now to build some weapon pods and rent a helicopter...
Adam said:
prolly easier to have a compressor on the back of a truck, and a marine filling them and loading them to pass out.

What if the truck was a Warthog, and the compressor was hooked up to it's gauss cannon? (y)
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Wow, thanks for the warm reception for this project, guys. The ultimate goal is to get a cannon that can fit into the launch tubes on a SPNKr. And to have the tube assembly swappable like it is in-game. That way, we could be walking along at D-con, shooting shirts to the crowd. Once you shot the two barrels, you'd just open the launcher, pull out the barrels, hand them off to someone in a troop carrier 'hog ;) , and get a freshly loaded set of tubes.

Another long term goal, is to design a multi-shot revolver cannon to go in a H1 hunter fuel rod gun. My fiance has tentatively agreed to eventually do a couple-cosplay as a pair of hunters with me. :love:
Loess said:
Wow, thanks for the warm reception for this project, guys. The ultimate goal is to get a cannon that can fit into the launch tubes on a SPNKr. And to have the tube assembly swappable like it is in-game. That way, we could be walking along at D-con, shooting shirts to the crowd. Once you shot the two barrels, you'd just open the launcher, pull out the barrels, hand them off to someone in a troop carrier 'hog ;) , and get a freshly loaded set of tubes.

As the band Yellow would say- Oh, Yeah!

Loess said:
Another long term goal, is to design a multi-shot revolver cannon to go in a H1 hunter fuel rod gun. My fiance has tentatively agreed to eventually do a couple-cosplay as a pair of hunters with me. :love:

Loess mate, I will become your own personal cheer squad for that project on one condition- You take a picture of the pair of you in costume making out.:lol:

Fantastic work so far and Linda and I look forward to seeing more of it. ;)
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Loess said:
Wow, thanks for the warm reception for this project, guys. The ultimate goal is to get a cannon that can fit into the launch tubes on a SPNKr. And to have the tube assembly swappable like it is in-game. That way, we could be walking along at D-con, shooting shirts to the crowd. Once you shot the two barrels, you'd just open the launcher, pull out the barrels, hand them off to someone in a troop carrier 'hog ;) , and get a freshly loaded set of tubes.

Another long term goal, is to design a multi-shot revolver cannon to go in a H1 hunter fuel rod gun. My fiance has tentatively agreed to eventually do a couple-cosplay as a pair of hunters with me. :love:

Man, that'd be awesome if you could devise a way to make it functional like the in-game model. That would be one helluva top-notch (and unbelievably game-accurate) prop to behold :)

juliet76 said:

Loess mate, I will become your own personal cheer squad for that project on one condition- You take a picture of the pair of you in costume making out.:lol:

Fantastic work so far and Linda and I look forward to seeing more of it. ;)

I'd pay good money to see that. Would make for one helluva novelty holiday greeting card pic, too :lol:
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I think I've solved the valve problem... since I couldn't find a high-flow valve that really fit the application, I designed one.
It's really fun to be an engineer sometimes. :D
I'll keep working on the valve, and I'll start working on real plans for putting a rotate into the rocket launcher.

Anyone willing to lend access to a machine shop for some prototyping?

Lee, except for the the valve, the entire cannon will fit into 3" nominal PVC pipe.
SII and Juliet, glad you guys (and Linda) liked the Hunter pair plans, those might take a bit, but making those is something I'd really like to do.
Loess said:
I think I've solved the valve problem... since I couldn't find a high-flow valve that really fit the application, I designed one.
It's really fun to be an engineer sometimes. :D
I'll keep working on the valve, and I'll start working on real plans for putting a rotate into the rocket launcher.

Loess, you are a sexy man! Can't wait to see what you come up with. ;)

Loess said:
Anyone willing to lend access to a machine shop for some prototyping?

Before the end of the year I plan on having a lathe and I'm aiming for a mill next year. But that doesn't help you now sorry. Then of course there is a distance issue too.:lol:

Loess said:
SII and Juliet, glad you guys (and Linda) liked the Hunter pair plans, those might take a bit, but making those is something I'd really like to do.

And we'd really like to see it (two Hunters in love, how sweet). Make sure to keep us updated, it's things like this and Lovebugs Arbiter that help me to convince Linda to don the ODST armour with me that I want to build later this year. :D
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