Rank Cap Lifted: We go crazy now

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captain grade 2 but then what does the rank cap do?

The Rank cap was the thing that stops players from ranking up. They removed it so you can be a Genereal if you want to.

And you can't get stuff out of your rank. You said you are a Captain, so you cant get Grade Mayor armor.
Get it?
I remember the good old days when you played just to have fun and joke arond on XL. ever since halo 3 I have had to deal with all the BS of "oh your only a sergeant YOU SUCK don't play halo!" or "you guys lost you F***tards don't even play little kids!" from level 50 generals. So what If I only made it to lieutenant grade 2 on H3 and so what If I'm only a seargent grade 2 on reach, I dont spend my life on IT! thats why they had the cap, to allow the ones like me who play for fun to rank up a bit so people would shut up about rank!
the rank cap restricted everyone to lueitenant colnol grade 3 (not sure if spelt right)
It's spelled colonel (WHO THE F*** CAME UP WITH THAT SPELLING??!)

**Smacks maker**

Haha, I played a game on the day the cap was lifted and I played with a general, WTF? Way to much time, then I realized he was a damn MLG and he started makin fun of me and blaming me when he died... I hate MLG...

time to go WILD!!!!!!!!!
That's why you find a decent gaming community like Penny Arcade or Something Awful and join their metatag. Playing with pubs is the worst.
I remember the good old days when you played just to have fun and joke arond on XL. ever since halo 3 I have had to deal with all the BS of "oh your only a sergeant YOU SUCK don't play halo!" or "you guys lost you F***tards don't even play little kids!" from level 50 generals. So what If I only made it to lieutenant grade 2 on H3 and so what If I'm only a seargent grade 2 on reach, I dont spend my life on IT! thats why they had the cap, to allow the ones like me who play for fun to rank up a bit so people would shut up about rank!
amen to that, i was only a gunnery seargent on H3, and the only reason im a luetinate colonel in reach is because of score attack and challenges.
rhinoc, the french.
i actually didn't like the reach matchmaking very much, thats why i modded my profile. not that armor does anything but you know its cool. ill be honest to say i think reach could have been better. but thats just my opinion. infact i dont really like mods either but i wont be on xbox for a very long time or ever anymore so i dont think it matters. some of the new armor is really awesome though. sucks that the hayabusa is gone, that was cool armor.
Sadly, I think I'm only on the third or so ranking up you can get. I only am able to play on xbox live once every two weeks or so, so understandably, I suck, and still haven't even managed to make it all the way through the campaign yet.
I'm a pretty cautious player, and although I don't get a lot of kills, I don't die often either, so I'm not dragging the team down into losing. They still blame me though, cause their levels are higher due to logging more time, even if they went negative ten or fifteen.
I'm still a Warrant Officer Grade I. I don't play often and I'm not that good. That doesn't change the fact that Halo is my favorite game franchise.
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