So me and my friends decided hey would it not be totally awsome to be the red vs. blue team for halloween. so after a while of disscussion i remebered this site and showed it to my friends. Of course they all loved the idea but stuck me with all the work, im ok with that because im the only one with any bit of dedication and how should i say not cheapish. so to get to the point i need to make 4-5 suits of armor by next halloween for about 50-60 dollars each after reading post and stickys im still a little hesitent so should i start with 1 part from each suit for ex. 4 helmets then 4 chest etc or do full suits at a time. also i plan on doing pep but is there a way not to make the suit look so polygonal. any input would be appriciated. Im hoping to get a suit done in about a month.