Registration Is Now Closed

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Forum Founder
Member DIN
forcing noobs to read, and wait until we open up registration. Helps keep down spam bots, anonymous double accounts (ahem), and things like that.

Sorry for all those who this inconveniences, but that's how we're going about it now.

If you have any issues, or questions, type em here or email me at
Sounds like a plan for now Adam. Perhaps when registration is open again, we'll have better educated noobs.
Sweet, I could use a break to catch up on all the new members that i previously missed ^^

@Spawn camper: no worries, bots and others are being weeded out right now i pressume.
great idea! this system works very nicely on therpf. How often is registration going to be open?
Sounds like a good idea in theory - I think from now on though it might be a decent idea to have 'member reviewal' on for all of the prospective members, to see if they have what the 405th wants from its members (intelligence, contribution, the ability to not flame or drama-whore)... that might be a big task but it'd certainly cut down on the number of 'less desirable' members popping in.
I don't think anybody's going to get banned from the forum unless they're really causing some sort of problem or drain on the forum as a whole - take those members who haven't been online in months, those who haven't posted in ages, or haven't really contributed to the forum other than some pretty n00bish posts... and I'd say that's all that's getting stripped. I doubt you're in any danger of being removed, if that's what you mean.

General forum maintenance, really. The spambots and such will probably get reported and maybe there's some new spybot software we can use to prevent it in the future.
Crucible said:
I don't think anybody's going to get banned from the forum unless they're really causing some sort of problem or drain on the forum as a whole - take those members who haven't been online in months, those who haven't posted in ages, or haven't really contributed to the forum other than some pretty n00bish posts... and I'd say that's all that's getting stripped. I doubt you're in any danger of being removed, if that's what you mean.

General forum maintenance, really. The spambots and such will probably get reported and maybe there's some new spybot software we can use to prevent it in the future.

I have my n00b moments. This was one of them.

Thanks. Sounds like a good plan.
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Well, this is an Improvement. This is a good Punishment for those who are acting unruly and for those who want to join and be. Until It opens up again, I hope everyone will learn their lesson.
No, that was actually a pretty reasonable question, although it remains to be seen how far the staff go in 'weeding out' the stuff that's detrimental to the forum.
Crucible said:
No, that was actually a pretty reasonable question, although it remains to be seen how far the staff go in 'weeding out' the stuff that's detrimental to the forum.

Well. When I first joined my first couple of days I know I was unruly. I got somewhat frustrated and acted rather immature for my age. However, since then I have been fairly constructive, I believe. I've learned a lot. Working on my own projects, now, too. Thanks, Crucible.
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A notable person who was a spammer was an Italian guy name atmoksTaums. He was banned after one post, which had like, 50 links to Porn and Racist Websites. I reported on him, clear and guilty, but hey, anyone who posts 25 links to porn and prostitutes deserves to be banned.
I don't think the forum format is the best way to convey our information. Sure, it's great, but all of the how to's would be better off in a wiki, rather than an ungodly number of stickies. Save the forum for real questions, sharing work, etc. I think part of the problem is that new people just don't know where to look, or what all is out there, and the current format makes it hard to find. Hell, I don't even know what all is on here.
Agreed. The tutorials are great. Almost everything is covered. But finding it, even with the search, is sometimes impossible.
Good plan regarding the closed registration, however, there is something else I'd like to address, regarding someone's mention of "weeding" out those who haven't posted in ages/posted "noobish" posts - I don't see how that would work. Many people who are only beginners in pepakura and molding stick around and visit the forum on a daily basis, but don't feel the need to post much or anything yet, having not started their own projects just yet (like myself, regardless the fact that I write for the Zine). You know what they say, if you have nothing smart to say, say nothing at all. I've been on a lot very crowded forums and know that a lot of people who are members can hardly post, but they wait for the right moment when they actually have something to say, to immerse into some discussion or other. I don't think weeding out those who haven't posted in ages or haven't posted in serious threads is a good way to go about it. Perhaps weeding out those who haven't logged in for months would be a better course of action. Just my two cents.
I for one welcome our new robot masters...

Actually, closing registration may for now be a very good idea as a new system for screening, like most forums do, could go into place. More likely the admins of the site need some time to pull together re-evaluate some ideals of the forum and insure that the direction of the community remains intact.

Being new to a forum can be a harrowing experience, one slip up can often get you flamed into oblivion. An open forum is often flooded with spam, bots and drama queens. This is just the nature of most forums, so far my experience here has been positive and helpful. If the admins feel they need to crack down a bit to keep the peace, then so be it.

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