Registration Is Now Closed

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Wow, I'm glad I joined when I did. good thing I didn't miss this oppurtuntiy.

One thing you could do to prevent noobish noobs is an actual evaluation of the members. Let them be able to register and log in, but do not let them post until they take a quiz or something (5-10 questions, nothing too long) about a common thing in armor building. Questions like "What is Pepakura?" and "Is Fiberglass Resin Dangerous?". Have them submit their answers to mods, who go over them and if the member's answers seem rational and correct, give them posting privileges. It's worked well on some other forums.

Not only would this encourage members to read up on the stickies before hand, it might also teach them to use the search function! :eek:
Achille said:
Wow, I'm glad I joined when I did. good thing I didn't miss this oppurtuntiy.

One thing you could do to prevent noobish noobs is an actual evaluation of the members. Let them be able to register and log in, but do not let them post until they take a quiz or something (5-10 questions, nothing too long) about a common thing in armor building. Questions like "What is Pepakura?" and "Is Fiberglass Resin Dangerous?". Have them submit their answers to mods, who go over them and if the member's answers seem rational and correct, give them posting privileges. It's worked well on some other forums.

Not only would this encourage members to read up on the stickies before hand, it might also teach them to use the search function! :eek:

This is, sadly, a terrible idea. Anyone can open up the stickies, and scan it for what the quiz asks, and answer it correctly. In the end it would not help at all unless you wanted to stop people from coming to the site at all, which would defeat the purpose of having the site in the first place.
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Sean Bradley said:
Are you guys honestly suggesting that a moderator has to be here 24 hours a day? Cool, gonna pay us do that?, because I kinda feel like if I have a shift I should be on the clock.

If registration is closed what is the fear? Can't the current members be trusted to follow the rules? When the cat is away, do the mice doublepost and flame? :p

If the site needs 24 hour supervision then I honestly believe that we're doing something else wrong here when we indoctrinate new members.

I'm a little late to answer, but:

I don't think we need 24-hour supervision. HOWEVER, when the registration opens up on that day/week, there will be so many new members, and I highly doubt most will read the stickies. Call me pessimistic (sp?), but I think that the Noob Forum will be a dump, and a large amount of bandwidth will be used because of spam, flame, and carelessness.

We may be easing the work of the mods now, but we'll be in trouble when all of those members flood in on the same day.
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ImaGonnaGetYou said:
Anyone can open up the stickies, and scan it for what the quiz asks, and answer it correctly.

Well, that's kind of the point. Getting people to read the stickies. Even if the people just go fishing for answers, they'll still recall something. All I know is that I've seen something similar work very well on another forum.
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Achille said:
Well, that's kind of the point. Getting people to read the stickies. Even if the people just go fishing for answers, they'll still recall something. All I know is that I've seen something similar work very well on another forum.

Whether or not someone cheats on a quiz does not affect whether they learned something.

If you cheated on every test, quiz, and assignment in a class, and then took an exam without cheating, would you do well? Of course not.
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I'm pretty sure this conversation is over. When the time comes to explain further actions for the re-opening or continued closure of registration, we'll let you all know.

For now the subject of registration is over. Mod choice is done when it's necessary as well. Regulating new members will be addressed in time. All will be revealed, and the man behind the curtain will be unmasked...

...Sorry got a little off topic there. :rolleyes

Overall, topic closed until needed again.
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