Removing Epoxy from Visor?

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Jr Member
I have an old visor from a while ago that I never used but it somehow got epoxy on it in small spots. I'd prefer not to have to buy a whole new visor when I have a perfectly good one already. So is there any way to remove it without damaging the visor?
i think your pretty SOL there surr3nder, epoxy is a pretty tough piece of material once its cured, you are better off buying a new visor. if you really want to get it off, i would try super freezing it, epoxy is brittle when cold, then flex the visor till it pops off. when i say freeze it, i mean like that freeze away wart remover, or get a can of computer cleaner spray and spray it with the can upside down. honestly though, just get a new visor
Darthoblivious is right dude... i think it's fubar... you could try what he said with the compressed air cleaner, but i think the price of a can of that stuff is about the same as a cheap visor anyway...
The type of plastic that the face shield is made of (shatter resistant p.e.t.) which has high flexability at normal temps, becomes very brittle when cold and will crack/shatter like nothing if you freeze it. What I would recomend is take a hair dryer to the inner side of the of the face shield and heat it up where the epoxy is on the opposite side. Once its nice and warm, bend it gently and with an exacto/razor, try and gently pry off the epoxy. Epoxy is very strong, however, being that it requires a rough surface to adhere to and a face shield is very slick and smooth, I believe you may have some luck in removing it.
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