Scaling Guide(Simplest Way)

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mc halo3

Well-Known Member
Okay the way i scale my pieces is to actually measure my self,say if i was doing the helmet i would measure with a ruler how many inches tall(height wise meaning top to bottom)then convert to cm, then to mm(i use PD3)and from that( put the height you measured into the height box)put the measurements in the height box which should give the overall scale for your piece.

But for pieces like the chest i used in-game references to tell where the piece ends (as for me it was mid stomach going up from bottom)and measured from their.

okay some of the referencing i used (sorry might be small)[attachment=10223:gfs_63166_2_18.jpg]this is the chest referance pic that i edited with paint( might be small to see but the red outline is where you need to measure(around a few cm's above belly button,i would prefer 7cm above though) a,for boots just measure the areas allocated the the toe line,ankle side,front ankle side and heel

I use this technique because alot of strategies focus on mainly only one creators file plethora(as to who may that be)and thus i find this inconvenient because i use a wide range of different peoples files ,so this is an all file scale strategie for scaling ,also this helps because everyone has different body types and sizes and what not.

This is mainly my most favourite technique because im bad in dividing numbers and rounding ,thus this technique uses no maths at all(except for measuring which for most people and almost all of us comsidering our age common sense).

Please read carefully on this technique and have fun :D :cool
thank God someone made this. I vote sticky. alot of people read the official sticky thread and come out like this :unsure this about wraps up how to scale in a nutshell.
thanks shaymmin sky ,me to would like this stickied in the NOOB FORUM for people with scaling questions,its just to lay off some heat from the q and a team they get stomped by 50 PM a day ,so can someone please sticky this ,i made a sanding and bondo guide but dreadmullet denied its stickyness,soo please can a mod sticky this please
u can use this with any files you want be it from different creators or not,also bery good technique for people who are bad at maths as well(no offense),a mod please sticky this
This is actually how I scaled some pep pieces(that I never did anything with ). I'd say this would be sticky worthy if you maybe adding some pictures demonstrating how you did it so people could follow exactly what you did.
23 magnum now can this be stickied ,because i added photos but also they are the only size i had atm,can a mod please sticky it now please
That's not really what I meant by demonstration pictures. Take your time and work on it a bit more. We'll take a look at it again after that.
ohh...well i dont really have anymore pics or screen shots of the pep program at all as i lack a camera and the only thing i have is a laptop camera which recently broke ,looks like this will not be stickied :unsure :unsure :(
What about photoshopping some images of the in-game stuff to demonstrate how someone should measure themselves?
To do a screenshot with Windows, you can hold down the shift button and press the "Print Screen" button (usually at the top left of your keyboard).

That takes a picture of your screen and put's it on your "Clipboard"..

Next, open a graphics editor (like "paint" which can be found in your "start" menu under "All Programs" --> "Accessories" --> "Paint")

Then go up to the "EDIT" menu at the top of that graphics program and select "Paste" or "Paste as new Image".. Your screenshot will show up, ready for editing.

You can only do one picture at a time this way, but at least you can keep your paint program open in your taskbar, while your other program is open, so you can keep pasting screenshots in there as you take them.

(note: This won't work with most movies and stuff in Windows Media Player)

Seems like it might be confusing, but it's really not once you try it once.
No offence, but measuring yourself in Inches, then converting to cm, then to mm is pointless. Why waist the time converting 2 times when you can simply measure yourself in cm, then either add a 0, or move the decimal up. If the height of your head is 26cm, add 2 cm for fiberglass and padding, and you get 28cm. Now, by adding a 0 to the end, you get 280mm. or if your head is 26.4cm in height, and you add 2 extra cm for padding and fiberglass, just move the decimal place over to get 284mm.

The way you scale is sorta messed up. Its very confusing and although I have used this a few times, its not fullproof.

No offence, but its the truth...
Converting inches to cm isn't really that hard. You just have to remember 2.54cm or 25.4mm = 1in.

It would be simpler to measure with a tape that has cm/mm on it though so you didn't have to do the conversions.

This method is more straight forward than doing all the other calculations. No it's not full proof, but no method really is yet.
ok pics are up and running ,sorry there not perfect its just because im not experienced with editing and outlining,so can this be stickied now or not.
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