Shopping list

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New Member
Hey hey guys whats up how are you that's great, I need a little help I need a shopping list for the supply's i need to make halo armor, and I need to know were to acquire such items thanks.
Hey hey guys whats up how are you thats great i need a little help i need a shopping list guy i need to know what i need and were to get it thanks your uh doll. ;)

You need four eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of baking powder, 350 ml of milk, 300 g of flour and a little oil. You can get everything at your local grocery store.

I guess you see the problem already - Be more specific! And be more generous with the punctuation marks. And read the stickies, there's a shopping list among them.
There are two lists of materials linked from the NOOB Reading List:

Also, here is what I used to create 1 adult large sized Mk VI and what it cost in Canada. I believe it is useful to estimate the complete cost, many people forget to calculate things like printer ink, etc.

Pepacura Designer - $35
Respirator - $30 (DON'T SKIP OR SKIMP ON THIS!)
1 pack of Bondo Plastic Spreaders - $3.
2 tubes of Glazing Putty (one small, one large) - $15
4 packs of 8 foot square fibreglass cloth - $40
3.7 lt can of fibreglass resin - $50
4 cans of body filler (Bondo) - $40
1 pack of 110 lb card stock - $10
1 tube of elmers craft glue - $5
Refill ink for the ink-jet printer I was using - $40
2 cans of good quality spray primer - $12
2 cans of hammered aluminum spray paint - $16
2 cans of satin oregano spray paint - $16
1 can of flat black rust paint - $5
A lot of sandpaper – call it $20
A lot of paint brushes from the dollar store – call it $15
1 tube of epoxy glue - $7
1 memory foam mattress topper - $20 (on sale at Walmart)
1 can of spray adhesive - $10 (for glueing the foam padding)
Top and bottom UnderArmour knock-offs available at Walmart for $13 each, total of $26. Both men's size XL.
I had suitable footwear, but comfortable boots that were similar can be had at a local surplus store for $30.
I used cheap motorcycle gloves, $14. (A later upgrade to better looking 'tactical' style gloves cost me $20)
The visor, from any number of sources, is going to round out at at about $20 (including shipping).
Polypropylene strapping, buckles, “hook and loop” fastener (Velcro), a cheap backpack, in other words "strapping stuff", call it a total of $30.

The grand total supplies that everyone will have to buy and use – call it $400

I also had to purchase the following equipment to perform the work, you may have some of this stuff or may not want it:

2 packs of latex gloves - $20
1 roll of shop towels - $3
1 rotary tool (dremel ) - $15 (it was on sale).
1 mouse type sander - $50 (it wasn't on sale).
Hobby knife kit - $10
Assorted files in a kit - $12

Total invested to – call it $500. This is really a RAG (Rough Assed Guess) as I no doubt forgot something in my accounting.
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