Support Each Other

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New Member
Hey, I might be overdoing it but I think that since we are a community we should help each other in our struggles in life, like if a family member died and they were important to you. Stuff like that. That way we can build each other up and feel good while doing so. I hope this topic will help us become... stronger.

This topic is purely if you want to help or be helped, so if you don't want to tell people about your struggles that's fine.
Hey, I might be overdoing it but I think that since we are a community we should help each other in our struggles in life, like if a family member died and they were important to you. Stuff like that. That way we can build each other up and feel good while doing so. I hope this topic will help us become... stronger.

This topic is purely if you want to help or be helped, so if you don't want to tell people about your struggles that's fine.

I don't think this is a good idea. These things are rather personal and I don't think many people here would like to rethink such painful memories.

Just my two cents.

I've seen quite a few threads describing exactly what you're talking about, but they're just that- threads. I think that it would be a lot less intimidating to have a dedicated thread for this sort of thing, however, rather than having to throw yourself at the mercy of anyone who should find such a thread unnecessary. In short, carry on.
Its hard enough to get accurate information shared here without people argueing and bashing one another or having pissing contests to see who is bigger badder better, best to try to keep things to costuming on a costuming forum.
Honestly I'm mentally nuts, but I have a bachelors degree in psychology but still peoples problems are thier own and on a public forum it should'nt be shared.
Oh yeah that's fine I just thought that since Adam said that this forum isn't to teach you how to make halo armor it's to be a community. If I offended anyone I'm sorry I just wanted to see people help each other. I rarely see people helping each other now-a-days.

If this thread is no good how do I close it?

I actually just read "Lost My Hero" thread and that's the stuff I want on here people HELPING each other!

1st. There will be peoplpe who tell us stuff on here when something bad/good happens, however I think they should make their own thread, not post into a thread with alot of other people with their own problems, could get the reader distracted.

2nd. Instead of Making three posts in a row, please Edit your previous post using the "Edit" button.

Good Idea, but I'm not sure if it's right for a Prop making community, there's probably quite a few Forums out there that are made for Personal problems.
agreed with shade... the 405th does have some forum posts like that yes... some are good some are bad some end up being locked because of one thing or another... i think if you really are in a stuck position and you havent talked to your family and friends already about it dont post here first... if you have talked with family and friends and want to share something really huge in your life then yes post.. but if its something small like your dumped or stubbed your toe... dont post it.. use common sence... if other people in your real life dont care much about whatever the issue is alot of people online wont. we have other websites that you can share life storys about...

now as for links dad yes i can see that being huge... its his dad and he had something really wrong within him and he died. everyone can relate to that and link has postponed his armor makeing because of this shift in his life. everyone can be part of that because link is great and he does amazeing work. he is one of the members on this forum everyone looks up toand strives to be. so supporting him is just an after thought because everyone can relate to his situation.

anyways im done my talking now ill go back to sleep... maybe....
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