Except hot glue = hot, and you WILL touch the glue sometimes. What I learned with super glue is, it'll tear the cardstock before your skin. So if you get your finger super glues to something, just peel it off.
Elmer's Glue pen FTW. I've tried Hot glue, super glue, glue sticks, liquid rubber, and I've found that this cheap ass elmer's Glue pen is the best. I will post a pic of it after the batteries for my camera charge.
I used Hot Glue for my Helmet. Get the Low Temp kind and it's not as Hot. It's still HOT and hurts.......you could use a thimble, look in the sewing section for one of those.
I use hot glue. It burns but it is the low temp kind. I even use my fingers on purpose to smooth the glue out and get it into all the nooks and crannies. If your a man about it it dosnt hurt that bad and it gives you calluses on your fingers.