Technician Chest Help

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New Member
If anyone has made the Technician Armor with Pepakura Please help!! Lol I opened the pepakura file for the chest since that is all I need right now and there are a gajillion tiny pieces, I know that I probably don’t need every little piece on this file since I am building it with foam but I have no idea where to start so I’m hoping somebody can provide me with some assistance.


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From the image it looks like you have the foam file for the chest. the crazy tornado of bits that are off the page are bits and bobs that are not needed for a foam build. Unfortunately there are no step by step instructions on how to put something like this together. Use the pep image as a reference, start with either the front or the back of the rig and have at it.
that's what I thought but as I went over the file observing each part there were parts needed that were off the page and that's went the confusion started to spiral
Since paper is 2 dimensional folds are needed to create dips and rises for details. For foam all those extra folds are not needed. To create the same effect layering or offset the foam.
Usually if you click on the main image and the part show up off the page on the right it may not be needed. Be careful though, some parts may be pairs or multiples of the same thing. For example, a symmetrical chest plate. if you click on the right side it will show up on the page but, if you click on the left side it shows up off the page. All it means is that you have to trace the template multiple times.
hope that explanation didn't confuse you.
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