We Are Now A "division"!

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Alex spartan177 said:

Sorry,but Bungie will take you down in what ever armor you have.They might let you live just because you spent a whole lot of money on their stuff.

You might be lucky to be the first person to go to the sun.
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Straight off of Wikipedia:

Corps: 20000-45000 soldiers

That's alot of troops!

Sorry,but Bungie will take you down in what ever armor you have.They might let you live just because you spent a whole lot of money on their stuff.

You might be lucky to be the first person to go to the sun.

Lol, your right. Bungie rules the world with an Iron fist and a dogs head(Seriously, they have one!).

ACDCrockr209 said:
Lol, your right. Bungie rules the world with an Iron fist and a dogs head(Seriously, they have one!).


Yeh I know.It's Ling Ling. I've seen it before,But only the pictures.

We are a Division.Now what.Is that it?

I think we all need to take some time and in a month we all get on the 405th at the same time and beat that old record of 791.
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Adam said:
Time to trim off the zero posting spammers? :)

Is there enough time in your already busy world for such a thing, Mr. Adam?

We are a good size and still growing! Be proad of that. Let not the negatives blind you to the fact that the 405th is a great place to learn and teach. Everytime I start to think negatively, I just look at my mannequin with my Spartan Armor mounted on it and think "Damn!"

This place is a fountain that all are welcomed to drink from... so drink, get bloated, and regurgitate armor! (ya know, reading that last thing... it's kinda gross, eh?)
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Hmmmm... if we are a division, then I guess we can use the zeroposters and spammers as cannon fodder/ shields XD lol. That's still an achievement.

Merry Christmas!!!

(or whatever winter holiday you celebrate)

Will someone help me out with my math? I have searched with andvance filters and have come up with 7,820 non posters. That's have of us gone already!

math problem

20 useres each page x 391 pages = 7,820 users who don't post!
Adam said:
Time to trim off the zero posting spammers? :)

yeah, that's a pretty good idea

The only problem would be that this topic will not count anymore LO

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Underdogg13 said:
Woot woot. Too bad more than half of our soldiers are unarmored and the rest are wearing plastic. XD

alien weaponry cannot penetrate plastic
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Alex spartan177 said:
Yeah, that is true, and almost 1/3 of members are inactive or spam.



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Bungie is only one of Microsofts generals in the domination drive. The only thing that hold Mr. Gates back is that rotten Mac/apple thing barf :eek

EVIL and also food for thought... if half of the noobs who join amount to average members then are numbers will climb at a health rate. Plus with Reach screens starting to come the numbers should hit a good jump like we saw at 0dst's release.
Hmmmm... if we are a division, then I guess we can use the zeroposters and spammers as cannon fodder/ shields XD lol

Yeah, lol. Either way, we win!

7,820 users who don't post!

Which means 7,820 people that wouldn't mind get hit by large globs of plasma.

alien weaponry cannot penetrate plastic

Unless they have heat guns...

Happy Holidays to all of you here. Make sure to buy lots of presentsfor me!

You said that, Alex! (Read Me name fella)

Great achievement, cannon fodder is always useful!(Though we are the UNSC and we have no gruts.....well few but...you get what I mean)

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