WE ARE ODST Song FINALLY Released in full

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AI Blue Fox

Sr Member


The infamous remix of Light of Aiden from the We Are ODST trailer is here in its full official glory. It was used in the soundtrack of the 2017 King Arthur movie that just came out. They re-branded it with a different name but its the same song. We can finally listen to it without the choppy background noises in all its glory!

Wait they used this soundtrack in that movie?? Yeeeessssss, it's about freaking time this came out!!!
Did the movie people think that they could take this and rename it to avoid any copyright issues?
Please tell me what is the song called. I need this!!!

I went full retard and lost my head when i saw this.
realised the video is the full thing.
Thank you so much!
Where did you find it?
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I know i am four months late (i just found your post) on this but thank you so much for sharing this, i can`t tell you how happy i am that we finally have the full version because the background noises from the trailer always kinda bothered me. (Nothing against the trailer)
The trailer was awesome! Are they supposed to be Russian ODSTs? I guess that makes sense because the UNSC is multi-national. If so, that's pretty sick. Can't get more hardcore than Russian ODSTs!
The trailer was awesome! Are they supposed to be Russian ODSTs? I guess that makes sense because the UNSC is multi-national. If so, that's pretty sick. Can't get more hardcore than Russian ODSTs!

I actually figured out that they are Hungarian. I think. Supposedly the drill instructors are actual special ops guys from the Hungarian military!
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