What about an actual 405th Wiki?

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Well-Known Member
hey guys. since novemeber iam thining about an official 405th wiki. iam one of the german leads and there are plenty of new users in our fb groub and side who wants to know how to do every damn new thing :-D
its hard, but i want to help every single one. explaining all the things several times and i also implemented some DOCS with written tutorials and advise in our fb groub filebase.

now iam building up a wiki board on the webserver of my best budy. the past 4 days iam challenged by numerous report problems of the mediawiki software and i havnt even installed the language addon or get over these damn problems with the image upload.

but the idea is great and i want to continue the work. Unfortunately, this is only available for the German-speaking community. What do you think? should we build up an original 405th wiki hear on the server with some of the experienced users?

basic idea:
simple articles with security advise and just the necessary information about the materials the noobs have to use.

here is the basic structure of the wiki iam currently building:

  • Information about the steps
  • Materials, images in a gallery and securety advise
  • Material sources used by the author
  • image gallery
  • securety advise (info + internal-links to the toxic paragraphs by the materials)

  • Information about the Materials (f.e. "Acetone" or "Polyester resin")
  • Areas to work with the Material
  • physically and chemical characteristics
  • How to Use these materials (aceton for clean up ABS printed surfaces, and so on...)
  • toxic informations with internal-links to ingredients and internal-links to the protective wear (like respirator or goggles, gloves and so on with the internal-links)
  • Locations to buy these Materials (for each language / country - Online Shops)

Work Materials (like brushs, spraypaint,...) and protective wear
  • Information about the Materials (pro contra and supplements for those materials)
  • Locations to buy these Materials (for each language / country - Online Shops)

okay... now some inspiration.

iam a new user and want to get an amor done. some really nice community members gave me the link to the wiki.405th.com site and there are 2 pages. the first one is the welcome page and the second one is the start information (trimed content of the 405th new users guide by adam grumbo)... how to start the first armor and maybe a step by step information line.

this way the guide told me to check the article about "foam and fiberglas armor", "pepakura", "Polyester-" or "Epoxid Resin" and the protective wear ive to buy.
now its time to think about the next step and work with all these articles. each one provides me with new information about every step and i can get all the information i want.
i dont have to write another thread about "how to get this done?!?!?!" or some threads like that :-D

okay... to keep this simple. 405th has some great users with rich experiences and every one want to share his/her methods. why dont collect all those and write a new 405th Infantry Division Wiki with several languages (iam offering my help for many german articles or the translation)

here is an example for the wiki (simple but i want to get this done:) )

German 405th Wiki - Polyester Resin Article
German 405th Wiki - Tutorial about the Basic Spraypainting

what are you thinking about this idea? share this and i hope some of the admins or mods gona think about implementing a 405th wiki on this server available for everyone and extended by everyone

As a noob I can say the toughest part starting off is finding links, threads, and resources that pertain to what you are trying to accomplish. I spent 2 months looking through the forums before I decided to join the 405th. In this time I was seeing if I could get what I needed without posting a useless thread. While I did do it, it took me a while to find all the useful information I needed.
Needless to say a wiki would be beneficial for lots of people. Having the information from all the best builders in one place would be a treasure trove.

I stress this is just my honest noob opinion! I don't know everything
As a noob I can say the toughest part starting off is finding links, threads, and resources[...] Having the information from all the best builders in one place would be a treasure trove.

yeah, thats the reason. in every single thread in the elite section are very usefull information... spread of all 30 up to 60pages... it could be so easy with a wiki.
and the tutorials are meant to be usefull with the information about HOW and about "where can i get those stuff i need".
the first 2 weeks i spend on was the search for the right Resin... its hard to go in a car-shop and get the answer "i dont know what you talk about..." in germany there are no "fiberglas resins" just "polyester and epoxid resins".

but yeah... finding links is the basic idea and a collection of all the information the other side ^^
yeah, thats the reason. in every single thread in the elite section are very usefull information... spread of all 30 up to 60pages... it could be so easy with a wiki.

That was the toughest part. Picking through the posts to find what you want. I think what you have here is a good idea.
Having a wiki page to direct new members to I think is a good idea. Even though people are constantly told to go through the stickies and everything they would ever need to know is in there, they still start new threads asking basic questions answered a plethora of times before. I can understand that it may be daunting for newcomers to search through all that information, which is where the wiki would come in handy. Overall, I like the idea of having a wiki. I have a lot of free time on my hands so I can, with Katsu's permission, really spice up the wiki and fill it in with all the information, images, tutorials, anything and everything beneficial for newcomers and novices alike. It'll also give me something to do when I'm not working on my builds.
Having a wiki page to direct new members to I think is a good idea. Even though people are constantly told to go through the stickies and everything they would ever need to know is in there, [...]

The Problem is, that most of the stickies are outdated.
We need to update them as well as we told the noobs to check them first. Most of the stickies based on old ressources, images and links. A wiki could be updated by every registered user and multilanguage :)

405th has lots of members who dont live in native english speaking countries :)
One wiki with english, spanish, german and so on.
This is an extremely good idea, and one I'd like to get on board with.

The 405th is in dire need of some organisation and housekeeping - I've been researching the old Charter idea, to try and re-draft something a little more current. Perhaps some like-minded members could help me out with this, and we can put together a community-led proposal for how the 405th could be re-organised.
This needs to happen... then you could have everything in one easy to search place with pictures, step by step details... etc. If there is more than 1 way, then you can include all the different methods, etc. For example, glue... list out glues that are used and the pros and cons of each so everyone comes to their own conclusion...

with what demo said... stickies are nice but you have to scan hundreds of comments just to try to dig out a sentence here or a comment there that is vital for someone. There would be SOOO much space saved from repeat questions, questions placed inappropriately because they are not sure where they should go, etc.
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