What Armor To Buy? High End Rubies, Westerfield Studios?

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Before I leave I think you should just make a whole suit out of pep. You can get your right height and stuff without having to worry about what size they might have stocked. And plus you won't look like a kid who doesn't have enough money to buy the good stuff and end up with this poor exuse for armor.

I'm not gonna lie... Pep will take a while... it's a process... Also if you are like me, you will always be second guessing yourself with pep...

And I do like the way that supreme looks in the picture, the only thing is that the helmet doesn't really match quite right...

And yea that visor needs to be changed

Edit: Looking at the supreme, It makes me think I'm gonna need to make smaller biceps... We'll see once I get my mannequin made so I can see it as of all angles... ;)
VanDamage said:
I would just get gold lense tint to apply to the visor. Compare these Pics:




Don't tint the visor with gold. Buy a golden visor look for a link her or google it. try ebay too
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I'm Selling my nightmare armor,
I sent you a PM but I'll post here just in case you don't check.
Send me a message with an offer and I'm sure we can work something out.
The helmet has LEDs and 2 fans to keep you cool. This is an older picture and since then, a Spine guard has been added to the under armor, which is Rockgrdn on top and Racing leathers for the lower portion. The Costume is in excellent condition, with a minor crack in one of the thigh pieces HOWEVER I have a replacement thigh which will be fine for when the crack becomes a bit bigger and needs to be replaced. Also the back of one of the boots has a slim crack, and a few pieces have some bits of paint chipped off, however they don't really detract from the overall effect this suit delivers. Like I said, Its Nightmare armor, so I don't need to go too much into detail of the quality of the suit.
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