Slyfo’s are more accurate considering his are actually from the game. But on the other hand mine are the halo 2 meshes edited so that they are closer to what they look like in-game.
Here’s a lil info for non 3d graphic people so you know what i mean. In games they use relatively basic meshes onto which they put a texture map, a bump map or more recently a normal-bump map and specular maps to convey a more detailed structure. There’s a lot of other maps that can be used too including opacity, self illumination etc. but I wont bother going into them atm.
Texture maps - are exactly what they sound like, there a picture that’s wrapped around the mesh to give it colour. Sometimes included in this is subtle shading and highlights (more noticeable in older games i.e. Halo C.E.)
Bump maps – are, again, a picture but this time there only in black and white (not so with normal bump maps as they use three colours). The white portions tell the computer to render that part as more raised then the rest, the black are the opposite and, of course, they greys are the intermediaries.
Specular maps - are basically they shiny and non shiny parts and, again, are conveyed by a picture and, like the bump maps, are black and white. White is shiniest and black is matt.
(You may have noticed in halo 2, in the cut scenes, for a second you would see the mista chief looking…well… kinda crap and flat. This is because it would take a second for the bump maps and specular maps to load.)
you are now edumahkayted in 3d! so now you hopefully see the difference between my model's and slyfo's.
Spase said:
Slyfo incorporates a more difficult, but more accurate model to what is represented in the game for Pep
Squirrel is still fairly accurate, but is an easier build (less folds) (Its actually remarkably accurate for how much more simple it is to build)
Depends on whether you want and easier pep and a hard finish (squirrel's pep), or a hard pep and an easier finish (slyfo's pep).
Spend enough time, and you could most likely make both helms identical..
slyfo's one are more complex????


they must have upped the poly limit in next gen games a crapload!!!! cuz mines got 896 polys in it, thats 1641 edges not including the open edges, so tecnicly if you creased every fold in my one youd have to do it
1641 times!!!! (thankfully you dont thoe cuz its unwraped so that most of them can just be curved)