Yet another WIP (Khorne Berserker)

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Jr Member
Khorne Berserker WIP (now PIC heavy!)

A few months ago i decided that for Fanime (San Jose's annual anime/general geekiness convention) I was going to go as a Khorne Berserker. I quickly downloaded a pack with the basic armor and cranked out the shoulders. They then sat lonely on my desk waiting for the rest of the armor and to be completed.

I (as of last week) decided to continue where i left off in order to make my deadline. I have proceeded to crank out both arms and the left shin in a matter of three days, which is pretty good for me considering i have to work around school, job hunting, and music.

Long story short, I am going to be posting regularly to keep myself motivated and to get tips/hints/critique. I would also be posting pics with this, but as it is the middle of the night and other people are trying to sleep, it wouldn't be kind of me to go turning lights on all over the house, now would it?

Pics tomorrow then.
Alright, as promised, here are my pics.


It looks a little squashed right now, but I plan on bracing it before I resin/glass it.


Upper arms were too small. I'm not sure if I am going to re-do them or just scrap them seeing as they are not visible under the shoulders anyway. (P.S. I hate looking at myself)

I have most of the upper quarter of the torso finished. I tested it to make sure I could get my head/hair in without destroying it either and that worked out fine. More to come soon!
Very cool! I have have been waiting for someone to do a Berserker. I plan on making one after I am finished with my ODST suit. I will be following this one, and can't wait for some updates. :)
Upper arms were too small. I'm not sure if I am going to re-do them or just scrap them seeing as they are not visible under the shoulders anyway. (P.S. I hate looking at myself)

Dont we all :D

Nice work on the shoulders, very neat. Do you have an image of what you want it to look like?
Dont we all :D

Nice work on the shoulders, very neat. Do you have an image of what you want it to look like?

oh yeah. forgot about ref pics. I have it saved on my computer so I didnt bother posting it.


I am thinking about doing a basic helmet faceplate/visor instead of either of these, but I will still have the horns. I am debating about making them removable or not based on the thought they wont be as stable if they are.


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wow. thats looking good, and the quality of the pepin is amazing, even if it is a little squashed. i recomend you try to straighten it out BEFORE you resin, becase if you resin an that is still there, it will NEVER go away. ever.


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wow. thats looking good, and the quality of the pepin is amazing, even if it is a little squashed. i recomend you try to straighten it out BEFORE you resin, becase if you resin an that is still there, it will NEVER go away. ever.

It looks a little squashed right now, but I plan on bracing it before I resin/glass it.

yeah....... also, lol CPO.

ACTUAL UPDATE: the torso is now about 40% complete. It's taking a little longer than I expected, but thats why I am working with enough time for little things like this. Ill get pics up as soon as it is finished. Also, depending on weather, I should start resining everything this weekend. (it's been raining on and off for a few days now)

New Update: I FINALLY finished cutting out all the pieces and as soon as I get home, I plan on finishing the assembly. It WILL be done by tomorrow and I will get pics then. At first I was a little scared that it would be too small, but now I know it is plenty big enough.
As promised, I finished the torso today. However, it is once again too late to take a picture tonight. In addition, I uh.... cant get it on. BUT! it is NOT too small. I just dont bend that way. So I am going to have to make it into two seperate parts. Also, it looks like the weather is holding and I should be able to start resining everything tomorrow (assuming Halo with my girlfriend doesnt get in the way).

Edit: PICS!!!! (just as I promised)


I think the shoulders might be a tad bit small.


and from the back


Look at how sturdy that is!


For those wondering (all none of you) I took all these pics on a green screen on my bed, held open by the crashed ship from Macragge.

Next up is the helm (which took a LOT of looking for one I actually liked) and then the left shin.
Two second update!!!

Helmet is done. I will upload pics once I get home...... and maybe after I play some reach with my girl. Cuz ya know, Chicks and Guns come before 405th..... wait..... those are ON 405th too...... hm.......:confused
Well my phone is derping, so no pics for a bit. However, i finished the other shin.... kinda. Well..... its too small. so that was 2 days wasted....
Love me some good old fashioned 40K. I'll be watching this out of pure fascination. Good luck, man. The peps look good so far.
Looks awesome so far man, and you're lucky, a friend of mine is a 5ft4inch tall twig, who wants me to build him some space marine armor. YOU have the right physique, he doesn't lol. My suggestion is to use a Boba Fett helmet as a base for yours, then fill in the cheek areas and add the 'winged' bits on top afterwards, so you can have a helmet like the one on the right of your reference picture you posted, that'll look the bee's knee's when it's done!
Looks awesome so far man, and you're lucky, a friend of mine is a 5ft4inch tall twig, who wants me to build him some space marine armor. YOU have the right physique, he doesn't lol. My suggestion is to use a Boba Fett helmet as a base for yours, then fill in the cheek areas and add the 'winged' bits on top afterwards, so you can have a helmet like the one on the right of your reference picture you posted, that'll look the bee's knee's when it's done!

I already have the helmet done, but I thought of that too. I looked into it a bit and they dont all have the mando-esq helmet. Some do have the normal helmet.

So I am finally ressurecting this post after so much inactivity on the site as a whole with big news. SPEES MARHEEN mk1 is totally gone. The combination of bad resin (another thread) and bad weather resulted in so many piles of mush for armor. I have totally started this up again and so far have the helmet, both shins, both shoulders (hopefully. the second one is almost done and should be finished later tonight or in the morning) and the pack all pep'd. Some parts have been scaled up and others down to adjust the fit better (BIGGER SHOULDERS BOO-YA!). I'll post pics of the legs pack and helm as those are new, but the shoulders look identical to their mk1 predecessors other than the fact that they are slightly larger.

At this point, I am starting to look at the thing as a nearly finished product (hey, i only have 2 months left until the con) and am thinking of some things. Such as;

A: I have really long hair. What is your prefered method to tuck that into the helm so it doesnt stick out and doesnt make an uncomfortable lump?
B: Should I make a Chapter Banner and how would you reccomend doing that?
C: Stick with the original Khorne Berserker idea or just do a basic SM, and if so, which chapter?
Definitely a Khorne Berserker, I've seen lots of SM costumes before but I have only seen one CSM and it was pretty crappy, by the looks of this it seems like yours will be much better and I'd like to see a nice CSM costume.

Also the chapter banner would be cool, but to have it be sturdy you'd have to use wood or something for the poles and I think that would put too much stress on the backpack
as for the proportions it looks thats your shouldes are a little too small for chest, as for hair - use hair net and make a bulge ant back of head.
stick to khorn beserker.

also you should look at this forum, it has many great builds of space marines and other warhammer 40k related things
Ladies and Gentlemen! It is UPDATE TIME!!!


Being 6'2" is both a blessing and a curse


I couldn't get this attached yet. Foam wings and light fixture vents soon to come.


Everything in a pile together.

So I'm sick right now, meaning I can't really do too much additional work, but I DID scale and unfold some boots and a bolter and once I get some more card stock (someone claimed we had more, but i cant find it anywhere) I'll pep those. Im waiting to rush out to get more brushes for the resin until i know if i need to pick up card stock too (the stores are right next door to each other).


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Sorry for the double post, but I didnt want to make an already really long post even longer.

You know it's going to be a good day when you are covered in resin by 10am. I got the helmet and shoulders both with their first coat of resin this morning, and used up the last of this can, so I am going to get the dogs some much-needed excersize heading over to the hardware store to pick up another can and maybe some more fiberglass. I'm shooting to have these three parts at least ready for bondo by the end of the day if not bondo'd by then. Ill take some pics periodically and upload them tonight all together. I'm so excited! this is looking like I'm actually going to finish for once!
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