Your Team/Group/Squad.....something like Noble Team except this can go wild beyond your imagination. GO NUTS!! Create your own team but in this section....I don't want a Biography of them....I want the picz!! Create the Members using Vanity Spartan Maker(I'm sure most of you have it, if you don't....go download it...its free) and post pics of the member here!!
I'll Start:
Fireteam Cloud
Damion-B611(Second in command/Assault leader)
Jason-B784(Big guy.....what more do I need to say?!)
Kid-O249(Me )
Leo-A777(Third in command/Weaponary manager)
Nemo-O501(The Sharpshooter)
I'm sure you enjoyed I wanna see yours
I'll Start:
Fireteam Cloud
Damion-B611(Second in command/Assault leader)
Jason-B784(Big guy.....what more do I need to say?!)
Kid-O249(Me )
Leo-A777(Third in command/Weaponary manager)
Nemo-O501(The Sharpshooter)
I'm sure you enjoyed I wanna see yours