Props 15 Dollar Assault Rifle.

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Well-Known Member
I admit it... I was letting mu inner child out and I went to Toys R Us because I've been killing time until my girlfriend calls me.

I was in one of the aisles when something caught my eye.


So I simply had to get it. I'm thinking about getting another one because this thing is pretty decent. It seems a little small to be an exact copy and some of the details are off, but this is a great piece for its price. And I know that there are a ton of younger people (the kids) who want to have some gear but can't afford the high end stuff and don't have the time for pepakura.

How to modify it
I'll post pix once I modify mine.
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Was this mentioned before? I never saw anything about it.

EDIT: I totally n00bed it up. Didn't use the search engine.. God, that was stupid of me..

It's a good reminder for people who didn't notice though... And all the n00bs who are just registering...

papamurf812 said:
Was this mentioned before? I never saw anything about it.
EDIT: I totally n00bed it up. Didn't use the search engine.. God, that was stupid of me..

It's a good reminder for people who didn't notice though... And all the n00bs who are just registering...


No problem, smurf. ^^
We all assume everyone knows about a topic that has been made, and we all suddenly act surprised when someone didn't know about it. x)
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OI... ive seen this before its awsome if i do end up getting one im gunna take some rotary tools and trim up that BIG OL' Orange nozzle thang :D
lilspartan said:
OI... ive seen this before its awsome if i do end up getting one im gunna take some rotary tools and trim up that BIG OL' Orange nozzle thang :D

This isn't a gangster hideout, and you're not a gangster. Please use proper English. You are not cool for talking like an illiterate person with an unmentionable amount of lisps and mispronunciations.

ANYWAYS, yes, this topic has been discussed previously, but it's nice that you noticed your mistake early. Otherwise, your topic would be a hot topic simply from people shouting "use da serch feechar!11!1!!!".

The toy gun is a great base for an Assault Rifle, mainly because of it's freakishly obvious inspiration.

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What the heck dude, you don't have to be so harsh and how is that gangster? All I was doing, Was stating what I would do if I had one. You have no right going around calling my post Gangster, Because it has no meaning or history of bieng gangster. Just because I was talking like that, Dosen't mean it's "gangster. Aren't I allowed to use fun words, once in a while??? EVERYONE DOES IT! :mad:
The lack of punctuation, lack of spelling (even in your flame), is considered at the least, informal language.

Back to the topic, The orange part can be removed by splitting the gun.
Wow guys, real mature, getting on his back for typing in slang, you don't get on someones back if you see them ending words with in' instead of ing, or typing thang instead of thing.
If you can understand it, then it's fine, if not, then would be a rational time to inform them on their typing.
lilspartan said:

No they don't. I sure as heck don't. Henceforth not 'everybody' does it.

lilspartan said:
Aren't I allowed to use fun words, once in a while?

No, because if you have fun on the Internet, the Hate Police will whack your knees and fingers with a shovel. And then you'll be confined to a wheelchair with no ability to type anything else as ridiculous again. A blessing.

Fail topic is made of fail and slight lol. Can I get a lock?
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The AR idea is sweet. The gun looks a bit short (its a kids toy go fig lol).

I use pretty much the same words there lilspartan, hell I spell alot of things differently. Dont take things too seriously lil, I used to on here and all you get in return is a closed thread and more anger than you had before. Ive been in my share of arguements.

quoting Crucible--

No they don't. I sure as heck don't. Henceforth not 'everybody' does it.--

Everyone in this sense doesnt really mean everyone. Its just a phrase, so lighten up man.

No, because if you have fun on the Internet, the Hate Police will whack your knees and fingers with a shovel. And then you'll be confined to a wheelchair with no ability to type anything else as ridiculous again. A blessing.

Fail topic is made of fail and slight lol. Can I get a lock?--

This sounds more like a threat to me than anything else...... I dont want to rant but something like this should be looked over by a mod or admin. The internet was made for business, pleasure and fun. Dont be a jerk cause someone wants to do what you dont want to.
Sarcasm passed you by, didn't it?

Moreover: this topic has been discussed before, there's no point in it being here, it's already degenerating into spam. Henceforth, a lock?
Crucible said:
Sarcasm passed you by, didn't it?

Moreover: this topic has been discussed before, there's no point in it being here, it's already degenerating into spam. Henceforth, a lock?
henceforth, your a and your flaming every one so just stop before you start a war, and some one gets
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Crucible made a rational point, this thread is useless and is filled with pointless flames.

If you cannot type sensibly, there's no hope of you making armour.

Second on Close and deletion of topic.
My poor topic...

Anyways.. While it is still open, can we discuss how to modify this thing? I'm thinking of installing a working flashlight. I want to have the activation button as the button on the side of the real AR that looks like a PC power button, can anyone explain how to wire that? And I'm thinking about bondoing more details on, such as a rim around the ammo counter and such. Any tips?
papamurf812 said:
My poor topic...

Anyways.. While it is still open, can we discuss how to modify this thing? I'm thinking of installing a working flashlight. I want to have the activation button as the button on the side of the real AR that looks like a PC power button, can anyone explain how to wire that? And I'm thinking about bondoing more details on, such as a rim around the ammo counter and such. Any tips?

See if you can find a tutorial topic about wiring, I'm sure you'll find it in the pepakura section, and I believe the wiring is generally for everything.
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RadioactiV777 said:
Wow guys, real mature, getting on his back for typing in slang, you don't get on someones back if you see them ending words with in' instead of ing, or typing thang instead of thing.
If you can understand it, then it's fine, if not, then would be a rational time to inform them on their typing.

omg UR WRiGHt duN mattER haow i TIEP as LunG as It CAN b red MA brOTHa!1!!!1!!!!!111!!!111!

Are you saying that is acceptable typing? It is readable, so I should just type paragraphs like that and yell at people for not reading them. I mean, who cares? It's internet slang.

...See my point?

BACK ON TOPIC: Someone posted a topic not too long ago that explained how he made the toy into a very nice Assault Rifle. I can't remember the name of the poster or the topic, but it was definately easy and cost effective for youngermembers, or members that can't afford casts or loads of bondo and resin.
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god damn it, stop flaming OK. if you wont stop then god help us all, and delete this thread for the whining little kids will stop flaming
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