And So It Begins...

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Sorry for the double-post.. but I got some significant updates.. looking good so far! :D

I just put them on randomly.. what's the CORRECT way to put them on? :p I need to label them, heh
Sniper said:
I just put them on randomly.. what's the CORRECT way to put them on? :p I need to label them, heh
Pink Yeah!
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious!?
Please tell me you know! (and don't just tell me you do because I told you too)
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Actually I don't. I'll look it up in a bit... I have more research I need to do on other parts anyways

I havn't really played much Halo (I've played Halo1 and Halo2 maybe 2 times each), and I havn't played Halo3 yet. Hopefully soon, though. I'll look it up :)
Sniper said:
Actually I don't. I'll look it up in a bit... I have more research I need to do on other parts anyways

I havn't really played much Halo (I've played Halo1 and Halo2 maybe 2 times each), and I havn't played Halo3 yet. Hopefully soon, though. I'll look it up :)
Are you kidding?! You've only played halo X less than 5 times, and you have better armour than i do.. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!!!????
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delta38 said:
Are you kidding?! You've only played halo X less than 5 times, and you have better armour than i do.. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!!!????

Well... MC's armor is just really frikkin cool :D

I do plan on playing it more though, and playing H3 this summer.
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CPU64 said:
Your armor color matches my xbox360 exactly..

Sweet :D

I'm right at 6ft.

It's all finished! I just finished it tonight, so I don't have any pics yet. I'm sure I'll get a TON of them at the convention though. Look back here next week and I'll post dozens of them. It looks pretty sweet :)
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excelent work

This genial one, although itself not if is my idea, or the chest I remain you somewhat small?

perhaps be the image

alejandro said:
excelent work

This genial one, although itself not if is my idea, or the chest I remain you somewhat small?

perhaps be the image


A piece of the chest is missing in those pics. It's back on there now, though. That's why it looks weird.
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And it's done! Here are some images from the con. I finished it the day before :p


reminds me of the fonz "eeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
looks like it was a good time ...awesome finished suit btw....rock star status
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