Blacrose's Bluerealm Helmet Finished

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I dub thee Doughnut! (lol, j/k)

Nice, you went a little overboard with the balck, yes,but it looks good.
JediStumpy said:
Hey nice job.
question about paint. you did the black spray and wipe off technique but it looks like after you did the black you didn't mist a light layer of pink back over it....or did you? I've had a few noobs ask me about this technique so thought I would ask. I've did the small thing you did: base color, black n' wipe, (mist base color), and silver weathering. so maybe you just went a different route. In my opinion it is a little to blackish but unless you wanted to that way(like a dark pink MC, and I mean dark like Stat Wars Sith dark (evil), then it is very ominous. It says: "Yah....I bring the pain, in pink!" lol
I really want a BR helm now!
Good luck with the visor. from the pics you have the right idea!
Well the thing is the underlining pink is a mixture of 3 colors (Candy and Berry Pink, and White) so misting is kinda a problem..... and my Candy pink's nozzle is messed up and just spits large globs of paint.... doesnt sound like a big deal but for me it is since I cant find this paint ANYWHERE in the Florida Keys >.<

I did want to mist it however and try and bury some of the black... oh well.

looks good kelly! im proud of you! you finally GOT AROUND TO IT. lol.
Yeah it took me 2 months just to prep and paint a helmet... I dont even wanna think about how long it's gonna take me to do the rest of my armor :x

xXBattle RifleXx said:
you should totally do pink led's :3
I do have plans for pink LEDs for my whole suit of armor... having pink LEDs should add to the "girlishness" and hide some of the black damage on my helmet, no?

p0rtalman said:
Very nearly perfect! Are you still going to re-do the visor?
Yeah, the visor was a disaster... I'll check my funds and see when can get a new one (or 2).
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actually, Kelly, you did a fantastic job with the painting for your first try, i'm very impressed.

I have something you should try that us sandtroopers use as a way to slightly "unweatehr" our armor. now it may not work the same on this but it might.

go buy or find a green Scotchbrite pad, not the red one, but green, and use it with your finger to remove layers of paint in certian areas.

I, for one actually like the paintjob. you might have gone slightly overboard with the black, but it looks, cool. i woudl wait until you paintup the rest of the armor as well, so you can get the overall appearance of the entire set of armor to match.

like you said, its hard to find that shade of pink in FL.

just a lawly suggestion from a sandtrooper, clone and custom mando.
Nice job!! Some said to much black..maybe,maybe not. Either way I like how the pink turned out! Its Pink without being PINK! :p
Ok Kelly. Upon further review of the presented evidence, I admit that I was mistaken. I've looked again with both eyes (yes the bad one too), and I think the helm looks great. Not too much black, just enough pink, and it blends well together. Leave it alone and get busy on the rest.
tlither said:
Ok Kelly. Upon further review of the presented evidence, I admit that I was mistaken. I've looked again with both eyes (yes the bad one too), and I think the helm looks great. Not too much black, just enough pink, and it blends well together. Leave it alone and get busy on the rest.

Yeah, because you have a ton of color matching to do from now on with the rest of the suit ;)
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Ya, it's grown on me too... I still think theres too much black on the sides of the helmet but... i'll leave it be. Thanks guys!


Yeah, I think I was walkin around like that all last night..... obviously I had one too many to drink :/ lol

I'll get more pics later i guess..
I tried doing the same black paint technique but messed it p big time. At least yours looks good. I'm definitely impressed
YAY!! Now there are two of us with pink helmets! You did a great job on the detail. The visor looks pretty sweet too. Keep up the good work!
Pretty n' Pink said:
YAY!! Now there are two of us with pink helmets! You did a great job on the detail. The visor looks pretty sweet too. Keep up the good work!


Though I do believe there is one more girl that has a pink helmet.... Dunno where she went though... lol
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Pretty sweet, Blacrose! I agree there might be a little too much black, but you can always go with what Jax Archillies suggested to remove some :p Lookin great and keep it comin!
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