Canadian Reg. Roll Call

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ForgedReclaimer said:
already looked into it, some province's wont work, Quebec is about the only one that works and it doesn't seem right having only one province have that sort of detail.

good idea though.

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Hi everyone, I want to announce a other convention. The con. is Ganime it will take place in Gatineau at the Palais des congres de Gatineau, on the 6 and 7 February 2010. It at 10 min. from Ottawa. So I will do my best to be present with my ODST and also hope to see a lot of 405th member there. Since Halo Legend is in part anime, Halo is welcome everywhere. With hope to see a lot of you there.

Garzak said:
Hi everyone, I want to announce a other convention. The con. is Ganime it will take place in Gatineau at the Palais des congres de Gatineau, on the 6 and 7 February 2010. It at 10 min. from Ottawa. So I will do my best to be present with my ODST and also hope to see a lot of 405th member there. Since Halo Legend is in part anime, Halo is welcome everywhere. With hope to see a lot of you there.


hmm i plan on attending this if i complete my armour in time, hope to see you there Pat

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Even if your armor it not complet, come it always nice to chat about armor and to exchange some tip to.

ForgedReclaimer said:

Awsome job.....been added to my sig block :D
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Hi everyone, this is to say that you can purchase your ticket on the site of the convention. You will be able to purchase them on the web site until the 31 December 2009, after that you will have to buy them at the door. It will take place in Gatineau at the Palais des congres de Gatineau, on the 6 and 7 February 2010. It at 10 min. from Ottawa. So I will do my best to be present with my ODST and also hope to see a lot of 405th member there.

Ganime web site

See you there.

Garzak said:
Hi everyone, this is to say that you can purchase your ticket on the site of the convention. You will be able to purchase them on the web site until the 31 December 2009, after that you will have to buy them at the door. It will take place in Gatineau at the Palais des congres de Gatineau, on the 6 and 7 February 2010. It at 10 min. from Ottawa. So I will do my best to be present with my ODST and also hope to see a lot of 405th member there.

Ganime web site

See you there.


j'y étais avec mon Red Spartan le dimanche .. a part un Elite Guard .. j,ai vu personne d'autres en Halo la bas
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J'ai voulu y aller mais du a de récent probleme financier, dison que les convention von attendre pour le moment.

Je suis Canadien et je vien de l'île de Laval au Quebec. Et je voudrais joindre le regiment :p( mais je suis un ado o_O ) Et peut etre que je vais pouvoir aller au comic con 2010 may 9
Raph said:
Je suis Canadien et je vien de l'île de Laval au Quebec. Et je voudrais joindre le regiment :p( mais je suis un ado o_O ) Et peut etre que je vais pouvoir aller au comic con 2010 may 9

T'en fais pas, la moyen d'âge est dans les 15 ans ici de toute façon ;)
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Raph said:
Je suis Canadien et je viens de l'île de Laval au Quebec. Et je voudrais joindre le regiment :p( mais je suis un ado o_O ) Et peut etre que je vais pouvoir aller au comic con 2010 may 9

Je serai certainement à Comicon en mai. Je n'aurai pas d'armure car je travaille sur quelque chose d'autre pour le moment. L'histoire de ma vie... Je suis de Blainville et mon plus vieux est étudiant au Cegep Montmorency. C'est probablement moi le plus proche. Si tu as des questions, j'essayerai de répondre mais je ne suis pas tout le temps très fiable dans les délais de réponse. C'est une de mes faiblesses.

Raph said:
Cool,mais comment jai le genre d'emblem que garzak a?

C'est un emblème créé par Forged Reclaimer qui est canadien aussi. Il devrait être parmis les anciens posts de ce thread. Cherche un peu et tu vas trouver. Sinon va voir sur son site de DeviantArt ( en page 2. Bon, je viens juste de te donner une raison pour pas chercher.... Pas fort de ma part, mais je suis gentil comme ça.

Et pour l'âge fait toi s'en pas, moi j'ai 43 ans (j'aurai 44 à Comicon) et je trouve ça un peu vieux pour avoir encore des passe-temps de la sorte mais je suis très ... ludique comme ma mêre me dit encore. Et puis je peux pas m'en empêcher.
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anyone from Mississauga, Ontario? :p

I'm totally up to team up and work on projects together and even just drop by and help :D

add me and PM me : )
Meleck said:
Et pour l'âge fait toi s'en pas, moi j'ai 43 ans (j'aurai 44 à Comicon) et je trouve ça un peu vieux pour avoir encore des passe-temps de la sorte mais je suis très ... ludique comme ma mêre me dit encore. Et puis je peux pas m'en empêcher.

hahah .. j'en ai 30 .. pis j'vais continuer meme rendu grand pere :ppis yé ou le reglement qui dit a quel age on dois commencer et finir de se costumer!?! ;)
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Gorgot 3000 said:
hahah .. j'en ai 30 .. pis j'vais continuer meme rendu grand pere :ppis yé ou le reglement qui dit a quel age on dois commencer et finir de se costumer!?! ;)

Yen as pas!!! Hoouuuu Haaaaa

( J'ai le menton de mon casque Odst de fais!!! XD patiente mon Raph :sleep
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WOOOT! First Nova Scotian!!

Junior405th reporting for duty!

Though as my name says, im kinda young,im only 13(Going on 14) So if I can't join its ok.

Anyways, it's nice to know there's a few Canadian 405th'ers.
Junior405th said:
WOOOT! First Nova Scotian!!

Junior405th reporting for duty!

Though as my name says, im kinda young,im only 13(Going on 14) So if I can't join its ok.

Anyways, it's nice to know there's a few Canadian 405th'ers.

Just watched the 405th welcome video and felt an introduction is in order given that it was the first thing i should have done. I am 37 years old and recently moved from the UK to Canada, Ingersoll, Ontario (9 months ago). I trained as an engineer for 13 years (Mould toolmaker from the start and moved into 3D cad and machining). 5 years ago I started my own Graphics and web development company and have never looked back. I am into everything tech, comic book, gaming and sci-fi movies. After a recent visit to Comic Con Toronto 2010 dressed as Master Chief it inspired me to go a step further and look at building my own Iron Man suit as this is one of my fav characters. Did not know anything about pep until now but given my previous job history it fits in quite nicely with 3D CAD, Engineering and design so fingers crossed ;o)

Will be starting the build this weekend ;o)
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Is there any big convention, that some of you Canadian 405th want to attempt this summer?

Garzak said:
Is there any big convention, that some of you Canadian 405th want to attempt this summer?


hmm i might think about it, but are you talking about ones in canada or in the states?

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