Death Threat at school

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i unno whats been up but this weeks been crazy there was a shoot out/robbery police chase not even a mile from my home, then hours later another robbery happend and earlyer today yet another
We're in a morbid topic.
My plan is simple.
I use the phone to notify everyone. I've seen my mom at her work (which my grandpa owns) use the phone to go over the PA system.
Then barricade our classroom. That's easy. Then open the windows and escape.
Oh yeah, calling 911 is the first thing.
And not dying is important.

When it's close to the perp, you tackle them. A proper football tackle with no pads can easily break bones.
Or hurt really, really bad.
Some kid had a hit list at our school a few days ago.

In 4th grade someone found a dummy grenade on the playground, so they decided it would be best to evacuate us to the same playground.


This is my 666th post...
sneek up behind the bich and nock her out wit the chair!!! thats what me and my crew were planing on doing if it ever happens here! good luck though.
my school ALWAYS have bomb threat. sometimes begin of school like the WHOLE school was outside for like 1 hr. and here i live.. Killing, Shooting, Fire, Gangs, drugs.... Shooting near my house.. Car Fire near my house... someone got kill in my high school last year..... the guy that kill him, run away with his mom.... alot of **** is happening alot in my city.. well some parts..
Best thing to do in the case of a school shooting, bring a brick to school in your back-pack. Keep this brick close and when the shooter comes, hide in a place that won't immediatly be seen, let him enter, then throw/smack the brick at them/over their face.

Simple and easy, oh and my science teacher last year was a navy seal before, so he told me that he would rush the person and tackle them. He said that in such a situation, it's either stand around and get shot, or do something and possibly live, this guy also taught me several navy seal techniques, like how to use your elbow to smash peoples bones :)
PillowFire said:
Best thing to do in the case of a school shooting, bring a brick to school in your back-pack. Keep this brick close and when the shooter comes, hide in a place that won't immediatly be seen, let him enter, then throw/smack the brick at them/over their face.

Simple and easy, oh and my science teacher last year was a navy seal before, so he told me that he would rush the person and tackle them. He said that in such a situation, it's either stand around and get shot, or do something and possibly live, this guy also taught me several navy seal techniques, like how to use your elbow to smash peoples bones :)
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Fragclone said:
sneek up behind the bich and nock her out wit the chair!!! thats what me and my crew were planing on doing if it ever happens here! good luck though.
Your crew Tl thats my crew XD and you werent there! in 5th grade we went into lock down due to some escpaed ciminals, well, me and my friends in hisotry class were all planing things, "Ok if they come in, you distract him, ill get a chair and BAM!" it was a very motivational day =. But luckily nothing happened ^^
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Glad to hear everything turned out fine. When I was in grade school there was a death threat. The stupid school district located a Elementary school and the school for kids with anger issues in the same building. They just didn't have the younger kids attend that day. Looking back that school was a little odd, we had intruder drills every two weeks or so. o_O
CrAzY CH13F said:
why is there so much hatred in the world? or for that matter the ability to buy guns at all?
guns are good, its just how the people decide to use them. if you havent noticed most of the people that are involved in school shootings dont really have that high of an inteligence.
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Evil Femle said:
So did the figure out who did the writing in the bathroom? You need to give us updates.


we were in lockdown today for 4 hours because somebody found bullets outside the school on the sidewalk so they went thru and searched everybodys locker
notthing big put probally the most boring 4 hours of my life.

still no idea on who wrote the stuff tho...
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blinkava44 said:

we were in lockdown today for 4 hours because somebody found bullets outside the school on the sidewalk so they went thru and searched everybodys locker
notthing big put probally the most boring 4 hours of my life.

still no idea on who wrote the stuff tho...
why dont they do a hand writing check? course it would take a while. this is gonna be on the news i bet you!
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I'm kinda weirded out.
Theres a kid at my school, he draws really demented things in his notebook (IE not family-friendly HALO drawings like in my notebook) and he seems to be psychopathic.
I doubt he'd ever do a school shooting, kid would pick up the gun, pull the trigger (if he could) and his arm would break. Skin and bones.
my friend has anger management. he gets in troube ALOT [mostly cus others pic on him and he beats the **** outa them!] when ever someones picking on him and we're there we say: "dude, you have no idea what your doing XD" and laugh at them.
In our school in year 7 when i was 11yrs old a load of kids from a grubby school atacked us. But luckely someone tiped uss of 3 days before is happend. (load=100 kids thyve got 700 or so students there) there where loads of police cars there and stuff each nuss had like 5 police with big sheald's incase of an attack on the buss form the outside kids. I got kicked to hell from em on my way home. i had 1 smashed rib 2 black eyes a broken arm and a nasty kick somewhere else..... 20 or so kids got arested and had to be in iselation for 1 hole term. Im still in pain from attack.
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