Death Threat at school

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spartanmartin said:
In our school in year 7 when i was 11yrs old a load of kids from a grubby school atacked us. But luckely someone tiped uss of 3 days before is happend. (load=100 kids thyve got 700 or so students there) there where loads of police cars there and stuff each nuss had like 5 police with big sheald's incase of an attack on the buss form the outside kids. I got kicked to hell from em on my way home. i had 1 smashed rib 2 black eyes a broken arm and a nasty kick somewhere else..... 20 or so kids got arested and had to be in iselation for 1 hole term. Im still in pain from attack.
wow thats harsh man :(
whhy'd they do it? and how long ago was this?
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Fragclone said:
wow thats harsh man :(
whhy'd they do it? and how long ago was this?

Last year. I dislocated someones jaw with judo smacked him on the floor before they kicked the hell out of me.
This was 2 and a half months before my birthday.
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I just read through this Thread. Today we went on a field trip to Salt Lake City, Arizona. We came back and instantly had a lockdown. Everyone went into the boys lockeroom (yes even the girls) it was like an hour before we got out, but i was on a hit list, there was a bomb threat in every bathroom in the school. luckily there were so many police men, with there cool dogs. it turned out nothing happened.
spartanmartin said:
Last year. I dislocated someones jaw with judo smacked him on the floor before they kicked the hell out of me.
This was 2 and a half months before my birthday.
hoorah! i'd do worse then that :p i'd beet the S*** outa someone if they tryed touching me! im crazy like that

Leadingspartan said:
I just read through this Thread. Today we went on a field trip to Salt Lake City, Arizona. We came back and instantly had a lockdown. Everyone went into the boys lockeroom (yes even the girls) it was like an hour before we got out, but i was on a hit list, there was a bomb threat in every bathroom in the school. luckily there were so many police men, with there cool dogs. it turned out nothing happened.
lol nothing at all?
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spartanmartin said:
In our school in year 7 when i was 11yrs old a load of kids from a grubby school atacked us. But luckely someone tiped uss of 3 days before is happend. (load=100 kids thyve got 700 or so students there) there where loads of police cars there and stuff each nuss had like 5 police with big sheald's incase of an attack on the buss form the outside kids. I got kicked to hell from em on my way home. i had 1 smashed rib 2 black eyes a broken arm and a nasty kick somewhere else..... 20 or so kids got arested and had to be in iselation for 1 hole term. Im still in pain from attack.
grubby school?
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Dude... If i was ever on a hit list, even if nothing ever happened i would still probably skip school for at least a week. There are just so many messed up people anymore, you just cant trust anyone.
Theres a lot of crazy people out there these days. In my school some kid tried to kill himself by jumping down off the top of the ampetheater just cause his "girlfriend" dumped him, after that he tried to cut his pulse with a knife. The officer at my school arrested him. And dude that threat in your school is either a joke, or someone has issues. Hope you're ok.
If there was a death threat or hit list, I think that I would skip school for at least a week, even if I wasn't on it.

I think I value my own life more than popularity of showing up to die.

If someone else was being threatened because of something I did, then I would show up and take the consequences. I am the kind of person who doesn't want others to suffer for what I did.
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