Elite armor?

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New Member
Hey everyone, I'm currently working on my Recon Spartan armor but I just came up with the idea of making an Elite Costume. I know there's that REALLY legit one but I'm talking one made from pepakura files. Any one have links to Elite pepakura files? Or how-to guides? THANKS!!
Check the All-in-one pack thats on the site (not sure the exact locations, but a quick search should turn it up.) There should be some pepakura files in there of an Elite.
The all in one looks like it has all the files you could want to make an elite, or even an arbiter, so that is a very good direction to go.

As a side note, you should not necro post on threads that haven't had any activity on them for almost a year and a half, you risk getting in trouble with the moderators. Additionally, that thread you necro'd HAS some of the armor files on it, so I am not sure why you asked for them on there instead of just clicking the links those guys posted. Look through the thread and you'll find the helmet and chest parts.

But the all-in-one has more elite files, so that's a better route to go. It can be a bit hard to search for, since the search terms can get strangled, so you'l have to navigate to Forum -> Creation -> pepakura -> All-in-one Halo Pepakura Thread

And there it will be!
sorry, my bad. Im new to the site ( even though it said i joined almost 2 years ago) Ive only recently started up
It's cool, just wanted to give you the heads up and hopefully point you in the direction you should head without handing it to you.

It'd be great to see another elite costume, so good luck on your endeavors.
hate to object, but the only UNFOLDED elite files in the all-in-one pack are the game-ripped elite armour from Halo 1. also, none of the other files are particularly compatible with each other.
try these ones:
made by yours truly
(example of files for build: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/32973-Full-size-Elite/ )

hope this helps, and good luck

I love hearing more. But I think he was asking for the elite ARMOR? Correct me if I'm wrong but the link you supplied is for the body parts right? They look beautiful though, I love the way they look on the thread and the scale is great.
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