Mine would be:
3 people playing slayer on gaurdian. one of them sounds to be about 12, and the other about 15, And I'm destroying both of them, so they teamed up against me. They are standing by the gravity hammer respawn, and i jump down in front of em, and the little 12 year old screams "OMIGOD! I SEE HIM I SEE HIM!" All of his shots go wide, and I kill both him and his partner. Funny thing is, I wear electric blue armor.
Also, when I was playing 2 v 2, my partner kept saying "seriously dude, get some kills". When the game was over, I had 2x as many as him. We still lost :/
3 people playing slayer on gaurdian. one of them sounds to be about 12, and the other about 15, And I'm destroying both of them, so they teamed up against me. They are standing by the gravity hammer respawn, and i jump down in front of em, and the little 12 year old screams "OMIGOD! I SEE HIM I SEE HIM!" All of his shots go wide, and I kill both him and his partner. Funny thing is, I wear electric blue armor.
Also, when I was playing 2 v 2, my partner kept saying "seriously dude, get some kills". When the game was over, I had 2x as many as him. We still lost :/