Favorite XBL quotes/moments

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spartan 1

Active Member
Mine would be:
3 people playing slayer on gaurdian. one of them sounds to be about 12, and the other about 15, And I'm destroying both of them, so they teamed up against me. They are standing by the gravity hammer respawn, and i jump down in front of em, and the little 12 year old screams "OMIGOD! I SEE HIM I SEE HIM!" All of his shots go wide, and I kill both him and his partner. Funny thing is, I wear electric blue armor.

Also, when I was playing 2 v 2, my partner kept saying "seriously dude, get some kills". When the game was over, I had 2x as many as him. We still lost :/
12 year old in a game of Capture the Flag on Sandtrap

"singing some random ********"
*after about 5 minutes of it*
another teamate: "SHUT THE *BLAM* UP ALREADY"

This was yesterday.
Me: Whats up guys (pregame lobby)
Other kid: Nothin much.
Game Starts
Other Kid: MOM Theres a black guy at the door!!!!!!!!
Then we hear his mom moan for some odd reason in the backround. Plus we hear the kid fall off his chair and a door slam?
My friend were saying a was not good with the sniper. I was in Valhalla, checking the spartan laser. I jumped (to get a better view) saw a guy. I shoot.


My bullet passed thru the ribs of the first guy, and thru the visor of the second one.

(Check in my fileshare)
My favorite thing to do is to yell "You ain't nebber gonna catch me!" like the greased-up deaf guy from Family Guy when people are trying get me with a beat down.

Usually they start laughing and I get the kill.
my gamertag: asianbecrazy

this one guy in the pre-game lobby:
*in a completely serious tone*
"asianbecrazy, are you asian?"

had me going "...................................................was that a serious question?"
i through a grenade at a base and it bounced off- landed next to a rock and blew up a fully loaded warthog! XD
Slayer on Narrows. I'm running across the bridge to about 4 guys having a smash up.
i see one dude jump in the air so i'm like wth. I throw a plasma grenade and just as it's about to land in their area the same dude jumps in the air and catch the plasma. You stuck "insert name here"
my very first game i had a bubble shield and another guy had a spartan laser and right as the laser shot my bubble shield activated. it was a close call, its in my file share
So guy said to me" fag, fag, fag, 12 yr old. Isnt it time for bed. aww gobrush youre little teeth. Leave us alone." and then someone else said "how old are you" i said 14. "haha. Have you even had a HIV test?"and alll the others started luaghing. I said that this is a mature game so keep it that way. He laughed at me. But he sounded like he was drunk.. So not the best experince for me
this happend in hour ago (9.36 GMT December 5th 2007)
I Catwalked the mongoose at a 90 degree angle, it was straight up in the air. It'll be on my file share *lt_stalker* in a little bit.
man thes all sound funny and wierd because of the drunken guy one but i really cant wait to get XBL to have my favorite memories
Oh... where to start....

- Going into Slayer with Hypo, Raptorian and Boris - all wearing neon-pink Hayabusa armor. And we got a MASSIVE steaktacular (score was 50 - 15)

- Ganking my ex-boyfriend with plasma grenades, plasma pistols and the sword on Plasma Punchout (his own custom game), despite his whining that he can't be beaten with those weapons in his grasp. Another steaktacular for me.

- Capture the Flag on Sandtrap with the rest of the SoaH Clan. Three times in under three minutes - PWN'T

- Finding some guy trying to knock on the door in Highground. FIND THE SWITCH YOU NOOB. And to prove it, I got pics and made a motivational poster:


Needless to say, I beat him down. HARD.

- Seeing a Jihadding grunt:

I was playing slayer on Vallhala, and an enemy mongoose came wizzing by. The passenger got sniped, the the driver tried to run me over.

I jumped, and instinctively pressed "x". This placed me in the back of the enemy mongoose with the driver driving away.

Not sure what to make of it, I just aimed my AR downward and started shooting him in the back of the head.

Finally realizing he had a passenger, he stopped the mongoose, got out, and started shooting back.

I grabbed the mongoose and started to drive away when he jumped in the passenger seat and started shooting me.

I simply drove the mongoose the short way back to the base and got out, while about four guys on my team ambushed my enemy passenger, then all teabagging him.

Now that's what I like to call a kill drop off :D
Zaso117 said:
I was playing slayer on Vallhala, and an enemy mongoose came wizzing by. The passenger got sniped, the the driver tried to run me over.

I jumped, and instinctively pressed "x". This placed me in the back of the enemy mongoose with the driver driving away.

Not sure what to make of it, I just aimed my AR downward and started shooting him in the back of the head.

Finally realizing he had a passenger, he stopped the mongoose, got out, and started shooting back.

I grabbed the mongoose and started to drive away when he jumped in the passenger seat and started shooting me.

I simply drove the mongoose the short way back to the base and got out, while about four guys on my team ambushed my enemy passenger, then all teabagging him.

Now that's what I like to call a kill drop off :D

you know if you do that you can just melee the driver to death if he's an enemy
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