First progress on flying_squirl pep helmet by DoC ByTeS

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DoC ByTeS said:

Finishing tonight! Yeah!

Haha, Nasonex commercial.

Keep it up, it looks awesome! Are you going to do a tutorial for the Fiberglass jelly? It seems interesting and i'm curious whether to use it or metal glaze.
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Anyone curious about the helmet being finished? or the tutorial that I have to proof and is almost ready to post?
Skullcandy Girl said:
Ha well I'm anxious too see, I just don't like harassing people :)

If I am pushed I move faster! Ya know sleeping through the night is tempting, but it won't get my armor done or my pics posted.

* Posting pics late tonight. :lol:
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how do you get the hands to look that way? i mean, what kind of paint did you use.....or was that the fiberglass?
i want to make my whole suit look that way now.....
blinkava44 said:
DoC that looks amazing
that helmet is looking amazing. It just makes me want to blow a big masterchiefy load. no but seriously good work man.
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Looks fantastic, DoC! I hope mine turns out anywhere close to this good, but it's on hold for now... GD new england's cold.

Keep up the great work, I always enjoy seeing your updates!
sooo...doc...not to be pushy..but are you going to do a tut on the fiberglass jelly you used for it...
i'm just really ichy to finish my helmet but i wanted to so how you did your 1st....sorry
Good progress
but I don't like the way you have the temp visor set up.
It seems to lean back, which emphasizes the length of the overhang (I can't think of the correct word) in front of it.
JediStumpy said:
sooo...doc...not to be pushy..but are you going to do a tut on the fiberglass jelly you used for it...
i'm just really ichy to finish my helmet but i wanted to so how you did your 1st....sorry

Working it out right now, I swear it will be out tonight!

Ssyn said:
Good progress
but I don't like the way you have the temp visor set up.
It seems to lean back, which emphasizes the length of the overhang (I can't think of the correct word) in front of it.

It's just a garage for sale sign I cut to cover up the inside. Working up many different visor options right now.
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I like it, it looks good to me, you should really mold it, you'd make a killing on ebay, unless a scammer wins the bid and screws all the other real people.
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