Foam Genericmav Rakshasa build


New Member
Greetings everyone

Dedicating this thread for my work in progress of Rakshasa armor core build.
The main idea is for this armor to be as comfortable as possible for prolong cosplay session


Will be using this design as my guideline, the plan is to build ODST-ish design Rakshasa (i know its pretty common nowadays but hell yes)

materials: 5mm-8mm eva foam
expected build time: within 2 months
color scheme: black and white
Rakshasa body armor build

As you all know, Rakshasa has a very different concept of being just an armor plate on top of bodysuit (compared to others, a full armor suit)

Hence i will be using Andrew DFT armor template as the base, then sticking the Rakshasa armor plate on top

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Rakshasa Thigh piece

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Rakshasa thigh is pretty much straightforward, nothing too drastic. Simple yet provide space for attachments and also space for your leg.
My only concern would be "how much padding do i need for this?"

As usual, each of the thigh pieces will get magnet attachment point for mounting stuffs


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How did you mount it to the chest layer? Do you put a block of 2 foam rectangles under it like in the DFT ODST build? Also do you think this would look good if I put it on top of the DFT underlayer chest piece? I like the look of this a lot more, but idk if lore wise it would make sense.
How did you mount it to the chest layer? Do you put a block of 2 foam rectangles under it like in the DFT ODST build? Also do you think this would look good if I put it on top of the DFT underlayer chest piece? I like the look of this a lot more, but idk if lore wise it would make sense.

im thinking of mounting it using elastic strap + buckle, so that it can be detach whenever i need to

also, speaking of lore, if you're aiming for certain character, you need(have to?) follow the character design.
BUT, if you're building your own spartan/odst, its up to your creativity to mix match everything you want to.

so in my opinion, its really up to you. you love the design, go for it
im thinking of mounting it using elastic strap + buckle, so that it can be detach whenever i need to

also, speaking of lore, if you're aiming for certain character, you need(have to?) follow the character design.
BUT, if you're building your own spartan/odst, its up to your creativity to mix match everything you want to.

so in my opinion, its really up to you. you love the design, go for it
Did you upscale it at all? I printed it out and the invidivual parts look pretty small compared to my DFT chestplate
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