Halo # figures out now!!!!!!

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Now that im back, i have a bunch of high quality pics of these things.







Ive yet to see any of the vehicles, only all the other figures, can someone take a pic of one of the figs next to a vehicle for size comparison? Thanks
Question for ye boss- Are the vehicles scaled to go with the figures? Ie can you sit your MC in the ghosts seat?
lol yea, all the vehicles are way off scale. and they are all different scale, no matter what size in the game, it will be scaled down to fit onto the little halo 3 logo it has there.
Hahaha thanks. I didn't know the vehicles weren't even in scale with each other! That's a bummer. Side note, is everyone's theme now a blackish type deal? I miss the OD green...
Xavier said:
lol yea, all the vehicles are way off scale. and they are all different scale, no matter what size in the game, it will be scaled down to fit onto the little halo 3 logo it has there.

Ah dammit, so I won't be able to recreate epic chases in the ghost..........
......well at least I can still do something like this with the MC and Cortana figures ;) :p :

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I'm completely serious! When the case of figures came into work yesterday, my boss said the same thing to me : "I guess they'd have to make Cortana an unposable statue so people couldn't put her in compromising positions with the Cheif"

It's a true comment when you think about. fair enough.
Haha, I fancy adding that to my sig:

'405th.com, where Sean thanks the gaming gods Cortana isn't poseable'.
Cortana review:

Picked one up yesterday at StarClipper, a (local?) comic store. Not as good looking as in the promo pictures...the casted plastic is clear rather than the translucent sky blue it looks like in the pictures, but still not too bad looking. "digital" detail is not easily seen at night or when lit up in the dark. Another grip is that they didn't cast it in one piece, so there are spots where the transparency is distorted from pins connecting hands/arms/legs to the body. The main problem is that one leg is not connected to the body, and the pin is big enough to catch the light and make it look like that one special area that only a lady has is especially lit up.

Size Comparison with Chief:

Here she looks alright color wise. The white background gives a little more of that sky blue color to the skin.




"Light Catching Appendage"


I wasn't sure if the lights were supposed to shine from the back or front, but I think when they are in the back the digital patterns are a little easier to see. I still wouldn't mind having a 12" single piece (or two, the hair can be separate) figure.
Ive got one of those if you cant read the writing on the pic(didn't use tablet which is what that is)
The Kraken said:
Cortana review:

Picked one up yesterday at StarClipper, a (local?) comic store. Not as good looking as in the promo pictures...the casted plastic is clear rather than the translucent sky blue it looks like in the pictures, but still not too bad looking. "digital" detail is not easily seen at night or when lit up in the dark. Another grip is that they didn't cast it in one piece, so there are spots where the transparency is distorted from pins connecting hands/arms/legs to the body. The main problem is that one leg is not connected to the body, and the pin is big enough to catch the light and make it look like that one special area that only a lady has is especially lit up.

Size Comparison with Chief:

Here she looks alright color wise. The white background gives a little more of that sky blue color to the skin.

Please do not repost images in your quotes - The Mods ;)

I wasn't sure if the lights were supposed to shine from the back or front, but I think when they are in the back the digital patterns are a little easier to see. I still wouldn't mind having a 12" single piece (or two, the hair can be separate) figure.

Did you also notice her boobs light up too?....
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Spawn.com is now accepting orders..


I just picked up a Brute Chieftan, another Cortana, Grunt (hoping it's a green), and all 3 vehicles..

They have the following:
Brute Chieftan
Grunt (green and orange, you don't have a choice)
Jackal Sniper
Master Chief (green)
Spartan Solider EVA (red) *Out of stock*
Spartan Soldier Mark VI (red)
Spartan Soldier Mark VI (white) *they just removed it from the list, I assume their out of stock*

For $9.99 US each

Brute Chopper

For $7.99 each

Get them while they are available!!
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