Halo # figures out now!!!!!!

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Just curious. I just got two today, and was wondering if the MC is sopposed to have a grenade, cause I saw all the pics you guys posted, and they appear to have one. Mine only came with the AR, thats it.

Took me forever to freakin pose the damn things...


EDIT: Never mind
Damn, I want that hammer! haha

I was wondering the same thing, but I guess only the multiplayer variants come with one...misleading since on the MC box it says

-Assault Rifle

or something like that. Anyways I just stuck my multiplayer one on the Chief, only it fits on the leg but not the belt area, which kinda stinks (yet fits on the EVA belt) no idea what's going on there.
It's reasonably close for action figure standards. Most promotional shots of figures utilize a double sized '2-Up' for better clarity of definition, but it's very rare that the actual figure that end up on shelves look just like the promo shots. The manufacturer will frequently choose a less expensive color palette than the prototypes use.

There is a nice gold-ish iridescence to the paint that doesn't show up in most photos though. Thats just a far better photo than we're posting ourselves.
yeah. The paint's a little off, and the shoulder joint pins are hidden (which is really nice). Also, it doesn't look quite that "tall." The photo looks like a 6-8" figure instead of the 5-ish they really are. Detail-wise, though, I would say spot on.
Still haven't been able to get mine I hope to get two of each, you know the old open one save the other deal. I really want the EVA one and CQB, can't wait for scout.
The Kraken said:
My EVA's thumb hasn't broken off yet...though I haven't been taking the gun in and out much. Until I get more I'm just going to leave the MA5C's in I guess.

Here's a size comparison, as well as a Joyride helmet comparison for those who are wondering...

Amazing what a little paint can do, eh? And not having egg thighs...

Helmet Comparison: On the left is the first edition Master Chief, and on the right the (Series 3?) Blue Spartan.


thanks much for that!
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Actually, The hammer is tilted so it is closer to the camera at the end. It looks normal otherwise. And the entire reason they made them small is so everything could be the same scale.
so how come the dicast warthog is smaller than the figures, and the scarab will be only 5 inches long...
Xavier said:
so how come the dicast warthog is smaller than the figures, and the scarab will be only 5 inches long...

Because it doesn't say on the box "Look out for new vehicles you can stick your 5 inch figures in."

Note the words DICAST REPLICAS.
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Yeah I'm bummed they didn't make the vehicles fit the figures...I would love to have at least a Mongoose or Warthog for them. The Scarab WOULD have to be a couple feet long, then, and I don't know how many people would buy it. The Action Clix or whatever one is like $250 and it's scale to those 1"-ish figures, so one for these would be gargantuan. The mini Wraith looks awesome, so whatever, I'll probably get some anyways. I want to see the 12" Halo figures, might have to get a giant Chief. And the hammer does look humongous in that picture! I didn't think it looked that big in the store. On a side note, anyone see the Jeep Renegade? Supposedly Halo inspired. Electric/Diesel engine gets reported 110mpg. Too bad the concept sketches look better than the final prototype, IMO.



The dashboard looks AWESOME haha. All sci-fi-y
circa604 said:
why is the hammer so big? On halo 3 it isnt that big.

The hammer is actually just a little taller then chief. Its at an angle, which is why it looks too big. I believe that the brute is to scale in comparison to chief too.
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Well, Went to the other walmart. Sadly......

They were all mixed in with WWE And BEOWULF! WOOOO! Found them!

I bought A Cheif, And a Blue MARK VI. It literally took me an hour to decide which one I wanted, because one is for anoher person on this boards birthday party tommorow. Hopefully he doesnt read this :p
The only ones they didnt have were Steel CQB (Because it Is only at Gamestop), EVA, CQB, and the orange Grunts.
dammit dammit dammit...dont have at my walmart....mebbe when it actually comes out LOL...someitmes i wish i lived in the states :cautious: ...but i still loves canada! :D
Sweet dude! A blue MkVI would be nice. I really want a Cortana so I can build a little pedestal and have her standing there all lit up haha
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