Halo Reach build

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New Member

I was wondering if anyone can help me find this chest piece as a pepakura file!
I have looked through the 405th database, forums and scoured the interwebz... no such luck yet. I don't know what it's called, or if it even exists. This is one of the Square Enix action figures.


Also, if anyone has any hunter pepakuras that aren't on the 405th database either, that would be much appreciated <3
Looks like a somewhat altered version of the Mk VI to me. More angular around the neck and stretched a little vertically, but still a Mk VI. Different ab plate, though.
That's what I thought too, ab plate looks like it's the Reach one slightly stretched as well. I may just mix and match then. Much thanks :)
Looks like the Halo Legends version....I know there are helmet and handplate models out there, but not sure about the rest.

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