here is an easier way to do it

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hey guys hidden potential here spreading the word of milliput ( go here to find out wat it is and what it can do. so the basic concept is that u make the helmet out of paper and do the usual thing but once u finish it u just roll out the milliput and cover the helmet as best u can, it dries as hard as a rock!!!! best part is that since it is a clay based material u can scratch i details or battle marks!!!!! when working with milliput i suggest wearing gloves because it leaves alot of greasy residew another tip is to work on a glass top or some wax paper (don't want it sticking to anything) any questions just ask and i will try to answer i send my best regards good luck ;)
i do love this stuff and i have been using it for years for smaller parts, the only thing you'd run into is one box won't last you very long and costs around 8 to 9 dollars here so buying enough for a helmet will add up and you have around a three hour working time with this stuff. All in all though it may cost you less than some things and i will say its very tough stuff once its hard. I've had a lot of success with sculpey in the past the only downside is it isnt strong enough to toss around and i only used it on something i planned to mold. Since sculpey never hardens on its own its extremely easy to work with until your done and just pop the helmet in the oven, you can even sand it afterwards.
this sounds a lot like and advertisment and less of a reccomendation, share more of your personal experience and pics, if it does what it says then it could have potential
hmm. interesting. Sounds a lot like a ad.

The concept sounds good, but it not piratical. The amount used to cover any armor would be very very large. It also seems to be more of an epoxy used to bind things together but that web site does show it being used to detail sculptures. I think this would be better as a substitute for Bondo rather then Smooth Cast, Fiberglass or Rondo.
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