Hey (^_^)

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hey everyone im back,and no longer a noob, i finally prep'd a scout helm and 3/4 done with a ODST they r lookin good, i hope i can meet some old friends and some new ones as well, welp c ya
not yet but i will soon, i finnished the scout first and man it looks so sexy gah im very proud of the 405th members who take the time 2 make all the programs and stuff, if it wasn't 4 them this site would b empty, so everyone who works on armour give yourself a pat on the back
Well...um...welcome back? Didn't think this deserved its own topic.

Also, no offense, but would it hurt that much to use spellcheck? I have a hard time reading your pseudo-English typing unless I just had a soda or something.
ImaGonnaGetYou said:
Well...um...welcome back? Didn't think this deserved its own topic.

Also, no offense, but would it hurt that much to use spellcheck? I have a hard time reading your pseudo-English typing unless I just had a soda or something.

haha my bad I'll type right for now on haha
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