Well-Known Member
Im as you know pissed. Ive been through hell and back. I have even made a touching suicide attempt. I hate life i hate myself. Im sorry i know this has nothing to do with Halo, but you guys are the onlys ones i can talk to without being called an A-whole. Im not emo! Im Not GOTH! I can list everything right here and more. Plus i just recently just broke up with my girlfriend. I find myself Sitting in my room staring at the wall thinking of how good it would be to commit suicide. No i will not do it but im very tempted. Over the last 4 months my life just got worse by the minute. I hope you guys can give me some encouragement. No i do not need anger management. If you were living my life you'd know and i can list all the reasons right here. No i won't but please guys i need someone who acually cares and won't call be a god damn a- wipe.
Hatin life more,
Hatin life more,