i just printed out my pepakura helmet and i did it 299mm it looks small would it fit

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We don't know how big your head is, we don't know which helmet you're talking about and we don't know which dimension you're talking about. In other words: Nobody can answer that.

Read this if you haven't already, maybe it helps.
30cm tall is a pretty standard size so your bucket should fit that bucket. Any other dimension means it will be too large.

In either case I ditto what Ventrue said; we can't help you unless we have every detail of your problem (and photos help).
maybe posting a pic of my head wqe mught be able to find out XD

not to sound mean, but proper grammar and good spelling always gets you farther in a forum. but as to your question if you printed it at 299 mm that is 29 cm which is a good size for height but any other dimension like width, or depth it would be too wide or too large
Also remember the hole in the bottom has to be trimmed after you harden your helmet to allow your head to pass through.
Also remember the hole in the bottom has to be trimmed after you harden your helmet to allow your head to pass through.

Amen Brother :)

You say you printed it at 299mm and it looks too small.....???

Have you actually started assembling yet?
you can't really estimate the size of a pepakura model on flat printed parts.
you have to start building, but 290-300mm Height is fairly standard for a 24-26" circ head.
I say build what you have and see if it fits. I know my first (second, third....) attempt at pepping was not good enough to proceed to the next steps in the process. Use your early attempts as a learning process. I would use different types of glues and see what works best for you.
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