Introduce Yourself

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Name: Byron
Profession: Student
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Xbox 360, hanging out with friends
Favorite part of halo: Spartan's and ODST's
Favorite Food: like to eat food
Favorite Bands: Whitechaple,The Bravery,The Kills,Asher Roth,and Explosions In The Sky
Favorite Movies: ZombieLand,and alot more
Name: Just call me Aqua Solace.
Profession: Student
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Gaming, Making Armor, Drawing, Reading
Favorite Pt in Halo: Pretty much the entire battle of Installation 00.
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Game: COD4 or Halo 3
Favorite Food: Fried Rice
Favorite Movies: Law Abiding Citizen, Watchmen, Click.
Name: Cody
Profession: none
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: the tech
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo or FF7 series
Other Interests: I like movies and comics
Favorite Band: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie(s): The Fast and the Furious, Hellboy, and G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
Name: Dan
Profession: School & Best Buy
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Video games & dirt biking
Favorite part of halo: endings for Halo 1 & 3 (jizz in your pantz)
Favorite Halo: Halo 1: Combat Evolved
Favorite Video Game: Mass Effect, Battlefield series, & Halo
Other Interests: Drawing, readin bookz/comics/graphic novels. some paintball, uploading youtube videos, music....
Favorite Food: Asia, America, why choose just one??
Favorite Band(s): Hollywood Undead, Coldplay, Martin O'Donnell, Muse, Korn, Eminem wayyy more....
Favorite Movie(s): Inception, The Other Guys, Bourne series, mostly action and the ones that blow your mind

Other than that I'm a n00b at this :D
Hit me up with some friend request, group invite, whatever
Senior year is starting so I'm gunna have a bunch of free time and this is something I'd really like to get involved in
Agian I'm new, but I learn fast, have a job and have time
Name: Cameron Gaul
Profession: currently none but hoping to work at gamestop
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Gaming, airsoft, and sleeping
Favorite part of Halo: all of it
Favorite Halo: every game but halo wars
Favorite Video Game: Halo series
Other Interests: punk rock, food and being irish
Favorite Food: hotwings
Other: currently an airman in norco AFJROTC and lovin' every second of it!
So I kind of missed the whole introductory process awhile ago but why not?

Name: Chris
Age: 17
Profession: Student
Favorite Hobby: Running, Sports, Gaming, Drawing/Designing/Building
Favorite Halo: It will be Reach (the beta was amazing)
Favorite Part of Halo: The Maw (Halo CE)
Favorite Video Game: CoD series, BC 2, Halo series, NFS series
Other Interests: Snowboarding, Martial Arts, Graphic Design
Builds: Cardboard ODST suit (thread lost during site switch), working on N6 and Ma37 (checkout my wip thread)
Greetings people \o

Name: "Kami"
Profession: None, but have been doing carpender work for about a year.
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Gaming, airsoft, and sleeping
Favorite part of Halo: I've always liked al of them.
Favorite Halo: every game but halo wars
Favorite Video Game: Halo series
Other Interests: Metal music, Warhammer 40K modeling, my girlfriend.
Favorite Food: iunno, when hungry, everything goes.
Other: herp derp

Name: Wyatt
Profession: student
Hobbies: professional Airsofting, video games
Favorite Halo: reach beta :p
Favorite game franchise: COD or Halo
favorite food: anything Giada DeLaurentiis makes :D
other: I am a member of Airsoft Ohio; a forum based on the safety, knowledge and practice of professional airsoft. I have much expirience with polite forum etiquette, and hope to not cause any problems. I hope to bring new ideas to the world of the 405th forum, such as one that has naturally popped into my head: putting airsoft internals into halo prop weapons.
Name: Corey Kash
Profession: Student
Age: 13
Favorite Hobby: Halo, Basketball, Videogames, Ect.
Favorite part of Halo: All of it.
Favorite Halo: CE, 2, and 3.
Favorite Video Game: Halo pwns all. :3
Other Interests: Idk
Favorite Food: Eh, pretty much anything.
my names Wes. Im 19. and currently reside in Chattanooga, TN. Im a hardcore halo fan. I will spend all night playing Custom games and Team dubs with my dubs partner Sheldon. We have a clan called Phantoms of F3AR. My gamertag is THxPhantom and his is TUxPhantom. I do give you permission to add me but dont add him. Im sure he wouldnt care, but add me ill accept and we can play some customs and he might add you. I also spend my spare time playing guitar, and skateboarding. I heard about this site on Andy Moguls FX youtube show/channel. And thought i would check it out and it caught my interest and had me begging to learn more. so i registered and now am interested in making my own armor sets. I just cant seem to find the blueprints for them. lol

name: Stef
country: belgium
interests: Halo, reptiles
favorite food : anything vegitarian

i hope to learn a lot about costum building cuze it seems a lot of fun just started on my first helmet i am quit handy but the only problem is finding the right stuff in belgium but i 'll be fine i gues i hope it wont bother you that i am frome belgium but i could not find any belgium costum builders

grtz woolite
Name: Michael Rivera
Profession: Mechanical Engineer
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Sports
Favorite Video Game: COD series
Other: My written english sucks....sorry
Name: Lucky
Profession: Odd Jobs
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and drawing
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Halo and Gears
Other Interests: Comic books
Other: I'm currently in college, majoring in Informatics with a focus on Video Game Design and Production. Possibly double majoring in Art.
Name: Hayden Travis
Profession: None, so far. School, maybe.
Age: 18, 19 in a month.
Favorite Hobby: Making random stuff from random stuff and Video Games.
Favorite part of halo: The part where Thel(arbiter) roars after killing Truth and the Chief just looks at him and nods.
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach. It's going to be the culmination of Bungie's 10 year run with Halo.
Favorite Video Game: Halo: Custom Edition
Other Interests: Free Running, Archery, models, tinkering, computers and fun.
Favorite Food: What does this have to do with Halo?
Favorite Finisher: Magnum Pistol headshot.
Favorite Band: MSTRKRFT
Favorite Movie(s): Avatar, Dark Knight, Pitch Black, Dragonheart and Forest Gump.
Other: Let's move out.
Name: Cory "The Goose" Dunaway
Profession: Grocery Stock Clerk for Publix, and Army DEP Member.
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Flying ( Licensed Pilot ) Video Games, Construction, Just random things really.
Favorite part of halo: Playing a ODST.
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Weapon: Reach BMR on SWAT, gotta love them headshots

Hi. My name is Cory but yall can call me Goose or the Mechmaster. I am getting into more costume construction lately (my usual small buildings and sheds or just house extensions) and I am moving my way up the 'detail' ladder. I am aspiring to make a full set of ODST armor. yes it is a long shot for my basic experience but I can dream. But I also come here to applaud the many men and women who are amazing at what they do here on this site. It is inspiring to see what you can make and I hope to 'learn' from the best and see the culmination of so many years of experience.

-The Goose
lets see
Name:Michael Wensink(please do not misspell the last name)
Profession: student mostly
Favorite Hobby: inventing
Favorite part of halo: all of it sucks you in tell end up cheering at the end,at least for me it does
Favorite Halo: 3 odst
Favorite Video Game: Halo 3 odst ,cod modern warfare 2
Other Interests:learning new things
Favorite Food:chicken
Favorite Finisher:sticky to the face
Favorite Band: paramore
Favorite Movie(s):startrek(2009)
Other:i like to help people!
Name: Steve
Profession: Computer guy/musician/artist
Age: 36
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, playing music, drawing
Favorite Video Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (first one that comes to mind)
Favorite Part of Halo: The depth of the mythology
Favorite Halo: Combat Evolved, so far
Other Interests: Art, music, movies, comic books
Favorite Food: Italian, probably...or chili cheese fries from Original Tommy's
Favorite Band: The Beatles
Favorite Movie(s): Jaws, Pulp Fiction, The Godfather

Hello all.

I found this place through the Backyard FX Instuctables article on building Halo Armor. My son decided that he wanted to be The Master Chief for Halloween this year, so I went on there and researched it, leading me here.

I never had an XBox, so I had never played any of the Halo games. I looked into them when my boy decided on his costume and I fell in love with the mythology, characters, and overall design of the universe as well as the awesome gameplay, of course.

This site has been an amazing resource and great creative inspiration. Thanks to you all. I'll post pics of my work when it's done and, hopefully, in time, be able to contribute tips or techniques.


Hi folks,

My name is Lee, I'm a 34 year old software engineer for Sony Online Entertainment in San Diego, California. I'm also a member of the 501st Legion and the San Diego Star Wars Society. I do a lot of charitable work for groups and organizations in the Southern California area, from marches and parades, walks and fund raisers, to birthday parties, carnivals, conventions and corporate appearances, and even the occasional visit to a children's hospital. All in all, I'm a geek with a flare for theatrics, and have discovered great enjoyment and satisfaction wearing costumes and entertaining people, drawing attention to myself and the event I'm at, and helping to get people interested in finding out what I'm doing there. Halo is a vastly popular franchise which is what drew my interest to the genre for costuming. I will be begin working on my first set of armor in the near future, and look forward to participating in what the 405th has to offer.
Hello everyone,

My name is Harrison, I am 20 and am currently a 3rd year at UC San Diego. I am very interested in armor in general and fascinated by protective gear in general. Having said that, I have always been fascinated with the ODST live action trailer, the armor they wear is truly well done, and I thought I would be interested in giving it a shot. I'm looking to try to build my own ODST armor, with maybe a little modified helmet, maybe a little of personal touches to it like in Halo reach. I've been researching for a while and figured the best place to start and get help on this little project would be here! Excited to be a part of this community and really looking forward to browsing through the armor tutorials!
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