Introduce Yourself

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Name: Anthony Mares
Profession: High School
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Running, Tennis, Making music, Working out
Favorite part of halo:E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G
Favorite Halo: all cept reach (haven't played, looks tight tho)
Favorite Video Game: Halo ,COD ,LOTRO
Other Interests: Girls, staying fit, Going green, 2012,
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Band: Hmm....Death Cab For Cutie
Favorite Movie(s): 500 days of summer, Nick and Nora's infinite playlist, interstella 5555, Electoma

Im pretty mellow kinda guy theres a prob...just fix it .ask away if you wanna know anymore
***heres a link to my music( )
Name: Steve Robb
Profession: i work for Toys R Us as a supervisor for the electronics dept.
Age: 22ish
Favorite Hobby: Playing guitar and gaming.
Favorite part of halo: The combination of great story lines and competitive online play with my friends.
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: any of the Metal Gear Solid series.
Other Interests: Music is pretty much my life, i do multiple aspects from recording and producing to writing and creating. I also love art, GFX design for various games and just being creative in general.
Favorite Food: anything in a wrap!
Favorite Finisher: Yoshimitsu's stab. Always a gooddun if you can pull it off at the right time lol
Favorite Band: Enter Shikari
Favorite Movie(s): i really have waaayyy too many to choose from.
Other: add me on facebook!
Name: Brian (just call me Zappy)
Profession: work at a pet store, in college for EET
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Paintball
Favorite part of halo: Legendary vs 2 Hunters. much fun!
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: ODST
Other Interests: I like makeing my own paintball equipment, made a P90-A5. I also enjoy my 24 hour scenario games.
Name: Jacob Graffrath
Profession: Work as a dishwasher at a buffet(Dont fall for whatever they say it sucks major rear end)
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Paintball
Favorite part of halo: Multiplayer experience
Favorite Halo: REACH DUHHHH Lol
Favorite Video Game: Halo or COD
Other Interests: Paintball/Hunting
Favorite Food: Chicken wings
Favorite Band: Snoop dogg
Favorite Movie(s): SAW series
Name:Sam Machin
Profession: Still at School :p
Favourite Hobby: Making Stuff, Playing games
Favourite Part of Halo: when johnson say's 'we're even as long as we're only counting today'
Favourite Halo: 3 or Reach
Favourite video game: Halo reach
Other Interests: Computer, socialising ect.
Favourite food: Waffles :p
Favourite Finisher: Assanation
Other: I'm a beginner at this and i suck at it :p
Name: Greg
Profession: Surveillance
Age: Old enough to know better, to young to care
Favorite hobby: Shooting, marksmanship
Favorite part of Halo: The whole damn thing
Name: Dakota Elfering
Profession: Arby's Shift Supervisor
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of Halo: The action
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy VI
Favorite Food: Anything but Arby's
Name: sam(leet/1337...)
Profession: stay athome parent
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: racing
Favorite part of halo: the flood
Favorite Halo: only really played 1 and beat 2 once(workin on it again on the comp)
Favorite Video Game: super mario 64(play it on my psp since my 64 is nomore)
Favorite Food: hotdogs(the good ones... cheap oldfashion rat gut hotdogs)
Favorite Finisher: cant think of any atm
Favorite Band: ratm and bhg
Favorite Movie(s): to many to list
New guy

Hi guys! Just joined up and not a noob to forums. I've always wanted to make my own halo armor and never had the chance to do it. I found this place through a vid on youtube that showed how to make the armor. I got excited when I read about pepakura. It's an awesome program. I plan to read up on stickies and learn what I can so I can start my own project. See you around.

Name: Glen
Profession: Grad Student and TA
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and paintball
Favorite part of halo: Multiplayer
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo or COD series
Favorite Food: Sushi!
Favorite Band: I listen to all sorts of music so I don't have a favorite
Name: Vii aka Fire Vix
Profession: Student/College
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Paintball/Airsoft, build projects, hip/hop breakdance, violin, martial arts, and meet new people d(^^,)
Favorite Halo: Halo 3 ODST
Favorite Video game: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3 ODST
Other Hobbies: Managing an Orphanage in Vietnam with my dad, study medical medicine and therapy, hang out at starbucks
Favorite Food: Hmong Stuffed chicken wings!!!
Name: Lily
Profession: Model... and the total poverty of being a Uni Student
Age: 18... well tomorrow (1st of Oct) is my birthday. So let's just 19.
Favorite Hobby: Costuming/(Cosplay), Writing, Reading,... Burning Things.
Favorite part of halo: >.> never actually played Halo... well once. I shot something and then got exploded.
Favorite Halo: see above.
Favorite Video Game: Don't really game ...
Other Interests: I hate heights. Love Shakespeare.
Favorite Food: Meat pie.
Favorite Finisher:
Favorite Band: Metric, Gorillaz, Florence & The Machine, The Killers
Favorite Movie(s): V for Vendetta, The Patriot, Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Other: I'm really just in life for the lulz.
Name: Joshua Taylor
Profession: Freelance Graphics Designer
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Music, Mechanics, Movies, Reading.
Favorite part of halo: The Whole Damn Thing. Best Video Game Series Ever Made.
Favorite Video Game: Halo Series
Favorite TV Show: Firefly All The Way. Best Show Ever
Favorite Food: Strombolli
Favorite Finisher: Halo Reach Assassination
Favorite Band: Disturbed
Favorite Movie(s): The Boondock Saints
Other: I I own All the Halo Games and Books and Soundtracks. I'm Hardcore Halo
Name: Kristofer taylor
Profession: I don't have one but im in college
Favorite Hobby:paint ball and Snow boarding
Favorite part of halo: umm all of it
Favorite Halo: REACH!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite video game: Halo Reach
Other Interests: WOW
Favorite Food: anything lol
Favorite Finisher: the assassination in reach
Other: I want to make my own halo armor so if any on can help me that would be really cool.
Name: Micah (Wolfman) Boynton
Profession: Pasadena Golf Course prettymuch just run the place on the outside
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Art creating stuff
Favorite part of halo: The sheer badassness of the spartans
Favorite Halo: {REACH}
Favorite Video Game: Halo3 halo reach and silent hill games
Other Interests: Outdoors stuff, Art, all kinds of stuff
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Finisher: Knife through the faceplate (reach)
Favorite Band: Too many bands lol, Interpol is probably my #1
Favorite Movie(s): Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 80's movies, allot lol
Hi I am new. I am 40 years old. I have been playing Halo since its beginning so yes I am an old timer. My son (12) wants a suit of armor so that's why I joined. All the threads have been very help full. I am in the middle of pepping a helmet for him, our first try. I just wanted to join to be able to post/ask questions. When we are done I will post some pics and info. So far the wealth of information in the stickies has been really help full and I did want to say thanks for those.
Name: Juan
Profession: Currently working at a warehouse saving money for college
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, airsofting, paintballing, and making videos.
Favorite part of halo: When the Chief ask for a weapon
Favorite Halo: This is a tough one since all of them are badass so i cant decide at this moment
Favorite Video Game: Halo, God of War, Mass Effect, and COD
Other Interests: I like to go to raves, play sports and draw
Favorite Food: Chicken Chow Mein
Favorite Band: Rage Against the Machine
Favorite Movie(s): Pineapple Express, Step Brothers, Lion King, I am Legend, and many others
Name: Tino ( where tinopenotti comes from ^^ )
Proffesion: using the remote and / or the controller of my xbox
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: i love to draw , sometimes paint , craft ( pepakura =3 ) and gaming
Favorite Halo: halo 3 and halo reach
Favorite Video Game: sorry guys ... fallout 3
Other interests: laughter , catching up with friends , discovery/national geographic/comedy central
Favorite Food: pasta , pizza , i achtually have no food that i cant enjoy ..
Favorite Band: maybe system of a down , coldplay , but actually im good with any music.
Favorite Movie: i am legend / the book of eli
other: by the way , josh ? i still have your cookies.
Hi i made this profile some time ago but it didn't let me sign in or post anything for the longest but i guess today was my lucky day.

Name: Josh
hobbies:pepakura, video games, did mma for a short while, I like making things
favorite games: halo, fallout, splinter cell series
favorite movies: alot of movies I am a movie person
Favorite part of games : finishers from halo: reach And splinter cell
Name: EJ
Profession: student
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: video games, halo-related stoof, cars
Favorite part of halo: the armor, bad ass feeling, story line (its so great you cant pic a favorite!) pwning nubcakes online too
Favorite Halo: probably halo reach =p halo 2 is second and halo 1 is third
Favorite Video Game: Halo series, fallout 3, WoW (when i get in the mood)
Other Interests: paintballing
Favorite Food: chicken alfredo
Favorite Finisher: so far its MW 2 with a close second being halo reach's lone wolf at the end after credits
Favorite Band: Disturbed
Favorite Movie(s): lets go tv series and make it doctor who
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