Introduce Yourself

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Name: Je'an-Luc Keller
Profession: High School
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Woodworking and Halo
Favorite part of halo: Everything
Favorite Halo: All
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: Any Shop Skill, Friends, Making Movies
Favorite Food: Gummies
Favorite Finisher: Pistol Whip
Favorite Band: The Who
Favorite Movie(s): None
Other: Marathon Series, and I am a skilled worksman wen it comes to making just about anything
'ello, greetings, oy!

I’m a little low tech (currently) with out much of an online presence; yet, but I’ve always been into robots and armor – (born 1978, I grew up in the Star Wars Generation).

I’ve also been a workaholic for a VERY long time, however during the Halloween of 2009 I made trio of Transformers costumes for my nephews. After starting with the Bumblebee toy arm and helmet, I wired in LED lights into the mask, repainted the toys and then sliced up foam board to make the costumes (armor). I had a BLAST doing it! I realized it was a fantastic creative outlet.

The next year, there was only one armor based costume, and the final line up that Halloween was Wolverine, Batman, the Goddess Athena, and Optimus Prime, however early that November Iron Man was discussed which got me doing more research online, that’s how I came across the 405th. The Pepakura approach was fantastic; I’d never seen that before.

I had been familiar with the 501st but having been around longer they used more vacuum molding process, which got me interested, but on a budget (mine) the cost, space and tools involved has been impractical for me. Who knows, maybe I’ll get there someday, but the layered process of Pepakura with its paper, folding, sanding and painting struck me as very much within my reach and not very far outside of my current skill sets, and that was exciting.

So, my rough plan is to start with a few adult sized armor attempts. Many men I know would love the armor, but buying, building and all that’s involved in obtaining a set somewhat dims their child-like enthusiasm. A good friend and my brother in law, knowing that I’d be the one building the armor, have volunteered to be guinea pigs in my first pair of attempts, most interested in the Ironman: War Machine armor and the Halo: Recon armor. My hope is that as I learn, try, fail and learn more build those two armor sets my skills should grow to the point that by Halloween of 2011, should my Nephews be interested in Ironman, Transformer, or Halo based costumes and armor, I’ll have the skills and knowhow to scale, alter and build child sized Pepakura armor for child sized growing bodies, quickly enough for them to fit, be worn, played in and enjoyed.

I am very excited about this community of craftsmen (and women), artists and artisans. Just skimming the site the imagination, creativity and ingenuity I've seen is fantastic and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to learn from the other people here.

Great fun building,

Brad Feaster aka Oshima422
Hello everyone! My name is Jan Bali (read like yawn. pathetic, I know :p), and I am a high school student at the moment. I am 18, and plan to attend university for a degree in mechanical engineering.

I stumbled across this site very recently while trolling around youtube and, and was very impressed with the community present here and the grade of craftsmanship put into some of the armour I saw. I had been putting off making a set of armour because of lack of information (or my lack of ability to find it), and finding this site has opened up a large amount of possibilities. I am planning to start off with a helmet for now since it's winter so I'll be confined to the basement.

Beyond that, I absolutely love the Halo story, maybe even too much. I also spend some of my free time playing WoW and writing papers on extremely theoretical physics.
hello I'm new. My name is Chase and my father and I are starting to make a ODST suit. I'm 19 years old, male and love video games and anime. I've decided to try and get this suit ready for an anime convention in seattle washington, where I saw my first spartan armor. I have tons of questions and things like that so I hope you can help me out. I have about 60% of the pep helmet done and HOPE it works out and fits!!!!!!
Name:Matthew Quinn
Profession: juvenile detention officer
Favorite hobby: playin guitar and games
Favorite halo: toss up between halo ce an reach
favorite videogame: halo ce
favorite food: pizza
other:i just started my first build goin with the chief i know everybody does but i dont care and i will get some pics up when i get a chance not alot of time to do it with work
Name: Jonathan
Profession: Ramp Agent at an airport.
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: Music production (not that great, just for funzzies) and gaming.
Favorite part of halo: Master Chief is a beast!
Favorite Halo: 3 but I really liked ODST and thought Reach was awesome.
Favorite Video Game: Right now its deffinately CoD MW2. Not too happy with black ops.
Other Interests: I like to mess with photoshop some times, or play around with FL and make some beats.
Favorite Food: Latin food... being a latino myself :)
Favorite Finisher: Deffinately the new Knife move in Halo: Reach..
Favorite Artist: Nas - iam a big hiphop fan and thats my legend.
Favorite Movie(s): The Goonies, Underworld 1 and 3.. 2 kinda sucked. Anything Jackie Chan has made, except Karate Kid. The Dark knight.
my name is ylon coner
age 16
hobby: armor making
favorite game: all the halo games except halo wars
other intrests : film making and editing and prop making
Name: Harmanpreet. Just call me Harry.
Age: 15
Ocuupation: None for now.
Hobbies: Playing Halo, moviemaking, reading.
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite book: Too many to tell.
Favorite Movie(s): Transformers, Transformers 2, Iron man, Iron Man 2, How to Train Your Dragon.
Favorite food: Burritos or Pizza.
Favorite finisher: Shotgun to the chest an' melee to the face. I call it the Shot 'n Clock.
HIA =D!!!
Name: Matthew
Hobbies:Obviously Video Games, Soon to be python Programming, and Most hopefully Halo Armor Making.
Liked books: all halo related books, Mass effect books and many other sci-fi`s.
Favorite Games: all halos especially halo 1, and Me1 and 2.
Favorite Music: ALOT of songs form the 70`s,80`s, and 90`s.
Favorite Food: Cheese(but of course only freaks don't like cheese), and Italian cuisine obviously because of the cheese XD.
Other: Well i Became stuck with Mattew-147 When i Forgot to push the h and now have a permanently deformed forum name >=(.
Name: Wade Sheppard
Profession: Full time college student
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Building on cars, football, video games
Favorite part of halo: The way all the games are tied together so well
Favorite Halo: Reach hands down
Favorite Video Game: Modern Warfare 2, halo, starcraft II
Other Interests: working on cars, chillin out. building cool stuff
Favorite Food: Steak!
Favorite Band: Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Seether

I'm starting work on some of the Reach designs that have been posted, but I'm planning on changing some of the basic designs to be a tad more custom. I'd like to use polyurethane for the armor itself and just have an overall excellent level of construction and detail. If you have any ideas or comments feel free to contact me
Name: Jon Jones
Age: 22
favorite hobby: sculpture and art
favorite part of halo: all of it
favorite halo: dont have one.
favorite vedio game: force unleashed (I and II), halo, socom navy seals
other interests: drag racing, worked on a top fuel car for two years
favorite food: pizza
favorite band: Metallica!!!
Name: Ben Knipper
Age: 22
Favorite part of Halo: The entire Halo universe and storyline.
Least favorite part of Halo: Fighting the flood :)
Favorite Halo: Toss up between 1 and Reach.
Favorite Hobby: Other than costuming and video games I am an active member of the Ohio Airsoft Community.
Occupation: United Parcel Service

I have been working on a Jorge suit for slightly over 1 month now and would like to thank the members of this community for providing the Pepakura files and specific artists that made them. It has been a long time since I have been as excited about delving into a new hobby as I am now after finding this site and cannot say thank you enough. I am greatly looking forward to hopefully being a help to this site and community as well as a productive member :)

Any questions about my progress I would be happy to hear from anyone interested. Thank you again,
Name: Chase
Age: 38
Favorite Hobby: Exercise
Favorite part of halo: The Cheesy yet badass lines of Masterchief
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: God of War 3
Other Interests: Machinima
Favorite Food: Rice
Favorite Band: Iron Maiden
Favorite Movie(s): The Terminator, The Wrestler, District 9
Hello Amigos!!

Im Juan

Im a happy Mexican guy, i live in the dnagerous Mexico city and i wanna do a halo armour for protect myself of the narco. Haha only a bad joke, im here because i like halo vidoegames and i want meet some friends who share this hobby with me, i was looking for tutorials on the internet to do my own armour and fortunately i found this cool site.
My wish its start to do my armour, and maybe when i become an active member of 405th, invite some friends and start a spanish division of 405th forum for all the people of my country and other spanish language countries who cant understand english, well if the community dont have problems with that. Oh yeah i almost forget it sorry for my english please be patient with me.:):):$

See ya amigos!!
name kieran/warboy9090
profession do not have 1
age 20
favorite is rc nitro truck driving
favorite halo 2 just because the story line is epik
Name: Josh Candela
Profession: PC Repair
Hobby's: Gaming and Buildin' PCs
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Games: Obviously Halo, and Half-Life 2
Favorite Finisher: Assassinating someone off the Spire

Glad to be apart of the team.
Name: James Darr aka James-409
Birthplace: Germany
Profession: Former United States Marine, semi-professional Mixed Martial Artist, student( Culinary Arts).
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Games: Halo series, Assassins Creed series, and Batman Arkham Asylum
Favorite Finisher: Assassinations
Hobbies: gaming, writing, cooking, and costuming

Sierra Juliet 409 reporting for duty.
name:norman boudreau
profession;school i gesse
favourite halo game;3
favourite part of halo the laste lv of 3 with the wort hog
favourit hobby;parkour
and as you can see already my spelling is completly horrible cuz i realy dont pay attention when i type so home to make some good prjocts and make freands who are as nerdy as i am lol
Name: Jeff Takushi
Profession: Full time student, currently working at local theater
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Sports, (about to add making Halo costumes...=D)
Favorite Part of Halo: Storyline/Online gameplay
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo Reach
Other Interests: Hockey, Surfing, Music, Hanging with friends
Favorite Food: SUSHI!!!!
Favorite Band: Hmmm...too many to think of
Favorite Movie: Inception, Black Hawk Down, We were Soldiers, White Chicks
This makes me the old man I quess
Name: David
Profession: Police officer
Age: 45 (yes real age)
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Sports
Favorite part of halo: I like the story line it makes the game exciting
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Band: KISS
Other: I also have two sons whio are heavy into Halo the 7 yrs old is the is the one who got me hooked.
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